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Some Of Your Mid-Week Comments

From what we understand, we turned more than a few "radio heads" after we presented our "what if" scenario the other day ... an interesting concept, no?  And a MAJOR violation of fair trade practices if there's even a hint of truth to it.  If nothing else, certainly food for fodder if you're a radio fan.  (Now who's going to dig a little bit deeper to see if we're on to something!)

REGULATED RADIO: Here's an interesting question.  Remember the days of payola ... and all the under-the-table scams and deals going on?  Wouldn't it be REALLY interesting to find out, years from now, that the reason for this radio take-over of playing the same 200-300 songs ... and 25-40 artists ... is because the radio conglomerates themselves have a stake in these songs and artists?  Meaning they all get a piece of the pie ... and are lining their own pockets through royalties and kickbacks filtered through the record labels and publishers.  Would you really be surprised to find out that, thanks to all this "mandatory" airplay that they've manufactured under the guise of "consulting", they are in fact insuring that EVERY radio station across America is playing the EXACT same songs, again and again ... while corporate radio is getting hand-over-fist richer in the process?  Hey, think about it ... it's really not an unthinkable concept ... and it's not like we haven't seen this sort of thing before ... in this very medium.  Shawn Swords ... are you listening?  I think this warrants some SERIOUS investigation ... before they drive us all COMPLETELY mad with this repetitive torture!!!  (Boy, I wonder how all the jocks on the list forced to play the same songs over and over and over again, day in and day out non-stop would feel about this should it come to pass that I've uncovered radio's dirty little secret!!!)  Seriously ... it all kinda makes sense now, doesn't it?!?!?  I say there needs to be an open investigation into this new form of "regulated" radio ... and soon.  Unfair business practice?  You betcha!  Penalties for torturing the listeners?  Duly deserved.  SOMEBODY needs to look into this and put an end to it ... and make radio "for the people" again.  (kk)   

Hey Kent,
You took the thoughts right out of my mind when you wrote your final piece on Regulated Radio, in Monday's FH. It is not far-fetched to assume that there are major payoffs within the music and broadcasting industry. It parallels Fredric Dannen's  1991 book "Hit Men", about all the underhanded dealings within the recording industry. Back in the 80s, I had a student in one of my media classes, who worked in the record business, in LA. He told the class that it simply was cocaine that opened a lot of doors, if you wanted a song promoted. The main-stream media probably won't do a story on this, because of all of their connections, and because it, in itself, should be investigated for some of its practices. Maybe someone out there with a law degree is one of your subscribers, and will get the ball rolling.
- John LaPuzza

Did you know that a lot of radio consultants went on to become Malaysian Airline Pilots.  

Have you also noticed radio lately seems to be functioning like international governments trying to coordinate a search party, they know what they are looking for they just don't know how to find it.  
Tim Kiley 

Hi Kent,  
First off, I love Forgotten Hits!  I read it every day.  It's obvious you spend a LOT of time on it and I honestly can't figure out how you have time to do anything else.  Well done sir, and your investment of time and effort is much appreciated.
I was pleased to see you passed on Keith Brodkorb's comments about KISN in Portland today.  I'm one of the three guys who started it two years ago.  It's nice to hear positive comments coming out of left field about us.  We have a lot of fun, which I guess is the whole point of the exercise.  KISN plays the hits and should-a-beens from the 50s through the 70s, and we try very hard to be faithful to the original hit versions, even when it means needle-dropping the 45s to get it right.  (It's surprising how many hit versions have never seen the light of day on CD!)  We run a lot of the original KISN jingles from the 60s and 70s and imaging voices are Duke Morgan and Jim Merkel.  There are about 800 classic spots in the library and we run one in every stopset.  A handful of the original KISN Good Guys have cut tracks for us, including Tom Murphy (later of WCFL) and Roger Hart, who left KISN to manage Paul Revere And The Raiders full-time.  We designed the station for people who grew up listening to the original 91derful KISN, but anyone else also has our permission to enjoy it!  You can find us at www.goodguyradio.com.
Thanks again for all you do to keep the oldies alive!
Scott Young
Hey Scott, great to hear from you.  No doubt about it, we've got a mutual admiration society going on here for all the great radio stations that were out there back in the day.  I tuned in to listen for a little while tonight and liked what I heard ... here's hoping other readers will check you out as well.  (kk)    

CHUM did a crazy mixed up chart every April 1st (or close to) for many years.  The titles were mostly written by CHUM's then Promotion Director Allen Farrell (1959-1967).  Allen also wrote the "The CHUM Story" book in 2001, which, if you don't have a copy Kent, I'd be happy to send along. Allen Farrell was (he passed away a few years ago) the original 'wild and crazy guy'.  His contests were often corny (but that was the era), but they were always fun. 
Farrell wrote the 'officially sanctioned by owner Allan Waters' CHUM story (although two former CHUM DJ's took out a couple of chapters on the, ahem shall we say, extra curricular activities of much of the CHUM DJ staff of the '60's (but again, those kind of things happened at most Top 40 stations).  The book goes from the beginnings of 24 hour rock and roll radio in Canada in 1957 (and even a bit of pre-history) to when Farrell left in '67.  When he started his own creative company, he took the current Production Manager with him which is how I got to be promoted to Production Manager for CHUM AM & FM. 
I've attached the 1961 and 1964 April Fools charts if you want to repost them.  The '64 chart may need a little explanation.  
The CHUMingbirds was a folk singing quartet comprised of CHUM DJ's Bob McAdorey, John Spragge and Mike Darow (a trained singer) along with CHUM writer and weekend DJ Garry Ferrier (who also wrote and recorded "Ringo Deer" a Christmas hit in Canada on Capitol Records in 1964). 
The CHUMingbirds sang for the crowds surrounding at the CHUM trailer during the annual Canadian National Exhibition, they sang at other CHUM remote broadcasts and charitable events.  They even charted their own hit, "The Brotherhood of Man" (written by Garry Ferrier). 
I've also attached a real photo of the CHUMingbirds in action. 
Doug Thompson (Toronto)

I LOVE the '64 Chart, showing The Beatles at every position (except, of course, on their own hits!!!)  Great to see that CHUMhad such a wonderful sense of humor about things ... yet still so keenly reflected what was happening in the industry at the time.  (Top Five in Billboard??? That's NOTHING compared to the Beatles Records listed on THIS chart!!!  lol)  It seems like they had a whole lotta fun programming and promoting their station - back in the day when you could be proud of such things.  (Of course having the clout that comes along with being the biggest and best at your disposal ALWAYS makes things a lot more fun, doesn't it?!?!)  kk

We can't wait for this one ... and it's coming up right around the corner ...
FH Reader Tom Cuddy sends us this update and review of the brand new PBS Television Special spotlighting (FINALLY!!!) The Dave Clark Five!  (kk)

Speaking of Tom Cuddy, it sounds like some major congratulations are in order ...
I just saw this in the Times Square Gossip column ... 
CUDDY CUT INTO HALL OF FAME --- The Rhode Island Radio Hall of Fame announced the class of 2014 inductees and they include: current WOR, New York, program director Tom Cuddy (who got his start in radio at WPRO-AM in 1980); air personality and programmer Rick Everett ; current WRNI news anchor / reporter and host Dave Fallon; New England Tech teacher and 30-plus year radio station staffer Paul Perry; the late Carroll “Pappy” Philbrook, who began his career in Rhode Island radio in the 1940's as an engineer at WHIM, WHJJ and WHJY; easy listening pioneer Tony Rizzini; and entertainment icon Saucy Silvia who hosted an entertainment program on WADK for 26 years.
We've known Tom and his lovely B.W. Lisa for years and there’s never been a nicer couple in the cut-throat radio world. I mean, you can be absent from a market for years, come back, showered with praise, and then be gone a month later. When Tom was at WPLJ, he consistently put on great shows in conjunction with the late-great China Club. James Blunt; Adele; Elton John; The New Cars; and Hall & Oates come to mind. 
Congrats Tom … you've always been in our Hall of Fame! 

Jeremy Roberts, a MAJOR Rick Nelson fan who has written several articles on one of our all-time favorite artists, too, recently spoke with Nelson's manager about Rick' final, unreleased album.  Sounds like there is a movement in the works to get this album released before the 30th anniversary of Rick's sudden and untimely death on New Year's Eve, 1985.  More here ... and watch for follow-up reports as the develop.  
We had the fortunate pleasure of seeing Rick's sons, Matthew and Gunnar Nelson, perform their loving tribute to their father this past weekend at The Arcada Theatre.  This is a show I have been waiting to see for a long, long time ... seems like every time it hit our area, it sold out immediately ... so it was real treat to finally get to see it.  (Having seen Rick live in concert six times ... and having been a MAJOR Rick Nelson fan my entire life ... let me just say that this is a show you NEED to see if it comes to your area.)
You can read our complete concert review tomorrow in Forgotten Hits.  (kk) 
Hi kk,
Rich Appel will be giving away copies of Ranking the '60s during his Top 104 "I.R.S." show this month on Rewound Radio.  If you emailed him your favorite forgotten hits and mailing address by the April 1 deadline, you are eligible to win a copy.
Dann Isbell
Be sure to listen to Rewound Radio to hear the complete countdown!
Hey Kent - 
Have you ever covered the artist that because they sounded so much like a famous artist it might have killed their careers? 
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n03a7cLf0M 
Lies - TheKnickerbockers  sounded like The Beatles.   
2.  Terry Stafford"Suspicion 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gzY-PrwwHk ... sounded like Elvis 
3.  Kingdom Come - Get It On  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq1tpCkAecI  - sounded like Led Zeppelin  
4  Klaatu - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CdjZbWu98A - sounded like The Beatles 
Just to name a few. 

Most of these examples have come up from time to time (although I had personally never heard of Kingdom Come before ... but man, they certainly have nailed the Led Zeppelin sound!)  Never done a real series on this but there've been a few examples like this over the years.  (kk) 

Here's an update on the local-area showing of "The Wrecking Crew" film ...  
Tickets to the pre-screening of "The Wrecking Crew Movie" that I will be co-hosting at the Rialto Square Theater in Joliet, IL on May 14th are on sale now. Tickets are $22.00 ea. and are available by calling the Rialto Box Office directly by calling (815) 726-7171 during normal hours of operation. The films director and son of Tommy Tedesco, guitar player from the wrecking crew, Denny Tedesco will be flying in to be here at the pre-screening.
-- Ron Romero
(As you probably know, Kent, there are several promos that Denny Tedesco has posted on youtube)
Strangely enough, this event isn't posted on The Rialto Square Theater Box Office website ... so we're trying to nail down more details.  Stay tuned.  (kk)
Here's an update from Denny Tedesco himself ...
Hey Kent,
I think they're making a big announcement on the 4th of April ... this Friday. 
Meanwhile, here are all of the details ... hope to see you there!

Sponsorship Opportunities - 100% Tax Deductible - Take your clients to the movies!

$800 donation
• 10 VIP tickets
• Donor name/logo on screen before & after the film plays
• Permanent inclusion on DVD when released
• Permanent inclusion on Wrecking Crew web site
• Your logo and link on this film sheet
$1,000 donation
• 15 VIP tickets
• Donor name/logo on screen before & after the film plays
• Permanent inclusion on DVD when released
• Permanent inclusion on Wrecking Crew web site
• Opportunity to dedicate one of the Wrecking Crew recorded songs on the DVD (some have been dedicated and are no longer available)
• Your logo and link on this film sheet
$2,500 donation
• 25 VIP tickets
• Donor name/logo on screen before & after the film plays
• Permanent inclusion on DVD when released
• Permanent inclusion on Wrecking Crew web site
• Opportunity to dedicate one of the Wrecking Crew recorded songs on the DVD (some have been dedicated and are no longer available)
• Your logo and link on this film sheet
$10,000 donation
• 50 VIP tickets
• Donor name/logo on screen before & after the film plays
• Permanent inclusion on DVD when released
• Permanent inclusion on Wrecking Crew web site
• Opportunity to dedicate one of the Wrecking Crew recorded songs on the DVD (some have been dedicated and are no longer available)
• Your logo and link on this film sheet
• Your supplied banner displayed at the screening
• Your logo permanently on the film's end credits
• A special private screening at YOUR location with Director Tedesco in attendance!
• Your logo on screen at EVERY screening.

For more info about sponsorship, contact Karen 253/278-3605 or email karen@wreckingcrewfilm.com

May 14, 2014 7:00PMRialto Theater
102 N. Chicago St.
Joliet, IL 60432

Q & A with Director Denny Tedesco
General Admission: $22
Buy Tickets Online
or call 815/726-7171
Thanks to our sponsors:
http://www.heilsound.com/    http://www.raymondteam.com/  http://www.carcarecollision.com/  http://www.westsidemusiccenter.com/

It was incredible! I felt just like I was sitting there with them at that table. It had everything I wanted to see and more that I didn't expect. Tommy's humor drew you in and the lifelong respect for each other was so evident. Thank you for making this film because it shows that these legendary musicians, who we listen to everyday, are anything but invisible!!!!!!

- Peter Frampton

A wonderful, touching and hilarious film about the unsung stars of so many records that you carry in your heart.
- Elvis Costello
If I'd known they were available, I would have used those guys on my records. 'The Wrecking Crew' is the best documentary yet about the recording scene. I loved it.
- Steve Miller, Gangster of Love

For more information about "The Wrecking Crew" film and The Wrecking Crew musicians, please visit www.wreckingcrewfilm.com or the The Wrecking Crew Facebook Page.

The Wrecking Crew is eligible for funding through the International Documentary Foundation, a California non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. IDA's Fiscal Sponsorship Program has provided the 501(c)(3) nonprofit umbrella to more than 300 film/video projects, many of which have gone on to success at festivals and markets, getting distribution and/or broadcast, or even garnering prestigious awards from the film community.
They were the studio musicians behind some of the biggest hits in the 1960s and '70s.
From "Be My Baby" to "California Girls;""Strangers in the Night" to "Mrs. Robinson;""You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin'" to "Up, Up and Away;" and from "Viva Las Vegas" to "Mr. Tambourine Man," the group dubbed The Wrecking Crew played on all of them. Six years in a row in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Grammy for "Record of the Year" went to Wrecking Crew member recordings.

"The Wrecking Crew," a documentary film produced and directed by Denny Tedesco, son of legendary late Wrecking Crew guitarist Tommy Tedesco, has played around the world in the festival circuit with over a dozen awards and rave reviews and other accolades.

The film includes wonderful interviews with Brian Wilson, Cher, Nancy Sinatra, Herb Alpert, Glen Campbell, Roger McGuinn, Gary Lewis, Dick Clark, Al Jardine, Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz as well as many of the Crew members themselves.

A labor of love by director Tedesco, the film is also ultimately a love letter to the legacy of his late father and musician friends in the Crew. Documenting the work of musicians on such iconic songs, however, can be cost -- and distribution -- prohibitive. According to the American Federation of Musicians, the film may one of the largest soundtracks of any film in history, with 131 music cues. With songs by Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, The Monkees, The Byrds, Mamas and Papas, Sonny and Cher, The Beach Boys and dozens of others, the cost of licensing the music for the film is estimated at more than $300,000.

With the help of social media and donations, the film has made great progress making the release a reality where other films of this nature never make it to the public.

Please come and join us for this special screening of "The Wrecking Crew"

May 14, 2014 7:00PM
Rialto Theater
102 N. Chicago St.
Joliet, IL 60432

Q & A with Director Denny Tedesco
General Admission Tickets: $22
Buy Tickets Online
or call 815/726-7171

Thanks to our sponsors:
http://www.raymondteam.com/  http://www.carcarecollision.com/

If you are interested in an interview with the director, Denny Tedesco, please contact him at denny@wreckingcrewfilm.com or 818.448-4436
<!--[if !vml]-->http://www.wreckingcrewfilm.com/klpxinterview.mp3<!--[endif]-->• http://www.wreckingcrewfilm.com/nytimes0412.pdf
• Vancouver Radio, Jack FM
• Morning TV - Vancouver
• Nashville TV




>>>A forgotten 80's track from them is Getcha Back from 1985. (Phil Nee - WRCO)
I think many of us note a resemblance to "Getcha Back" in the great 2013 comeback song "That's Why God Made the Radio." 
Clark Besch
re:  HAIL CANADA!:  
Hey Kent;  
Regarding the Canadian artists section here's one people overlook ... Aldo Nova. 
During the early eighty's he came out and had a helluva group. He was the equal to Steve Perry and more than that, played guitar, wrote and sang his own music. He produced early Celine Dion albums, co-wrote some Blue Oyster Cult songs, wrote the guitar solo for Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory". He even co-wrote a song for Clay Aiken, go figure.  Youtube some of his material, he deserves some noise for his contributions. 
Alex Valdez  
Aldo Nova (and the group that bore his namesake) had two Top 20 Hits in Canada ... and both of them did pretty well here in The States, too.  You're more likely to hear "Fantasy" (if you hear anything at all) ... but my favorite has always been "Foolin' Yourself", a #65 Hits from 1982.  (kk)

>>>The Canadian acts on that chart were: # 1 "Gotta See Jane" by R. Dean Taylor (Taylor was originally from Toronto before moving to Motown)  Doug Thompson
What your Canadian friend did not mention was that #1 "Gotta See Jane" was originally released in 1967 on US V.I.P. Records, a Motown subsidiary!  You can hear the song below. 
R.Dean started with the sound effects in his songs LONG before his "Indiana Wants Me" hit.  "Jane" was re-released following that hit and appears on his 1971 LP, too.  Good tune, much in same vein of "Indiana".

>>>Two other outstanding Stampeders releases were big up there; one of which you mentioned today.
(David Lewis)
>>>The Stampeders had eight Top 20 Hits on Canada's CHUM Chart in the early '70's.  "Carry Me" was their first ... it peaked at #10 in 1971.  "Sweet City Woman" (their biggest hit here) topped the chart later that year.  They also hit The Top Ten with "Devil You" (#9, 1971) and "New Orleans" (#10, 1975).  kk
David did not mention the GREAT hard rock song the Stampeders did in 1972!  Certainly far different from the "Sweet City Woman" sound and more towards a sound of Sweet, I LOVED this song in 72 when it became a minor hit on Omaha' s KOIL!

As far as the explaination of having to play 35% Canadian artists on Canada stations, IF you have John Landercker's great autobiography, he has an interesting take on that subject in the days he moved from WLS to Canada radio. 
Clark Besch   

In his excellent book "Records Truly Is My Middle Name", Landecker explains it this way:
I grew up listening to a Canadian station; CKLW in Windsor.  But that had been a totally different era.  CKLW was really an American station operating out of Canada, more of a Detroit station.  By the time I arrived at CFTR, the Canadian version of the FCC had implemented a number of programming rules that changed Canadian radio drastically.
They were very sensitive about having Canadian culture overrun by their neighbors to the south, so a "Canadian Content" rule was instated, ensuring that a certain percentage of the contemporary music played on the radio was performed by a Canadian artist, or written by a Canadian songwriter, or if there was a Canadian engineer that mixed the recording session, that would quality too. Because of that rule, lots of songs were played on the air on a regular basis that otherwise never would have been played. Believe it or not, I ended up really liking that rule.  I didn't mind if we played a little more Burton Cummings or Anne Murray, because it was fair.  Every other radio station had to do it too.
Canadian radio also had restrictions on the amount of money or prizes that could be given away, which was another rule I ended up liking.  There was no way one Canadian station could buy their audience.  That meant you had to rely on the quality of the programming as opposed to a contest or prize or stunt.  You could do promotions, but there was a limit, and the limit was low enough to maintain a level playing field.
Another Canadian broadcasting rule mandated a certain amount of news and information programming during the day, even middays or overnights. Even on FM rock stations.  They appreciated it was the responsibility of the radio station to serve the local community.  I really liked that rule too.  It made stations more accountable.  It was already bothering me at that time that American stations were cutting news departments for budgetary reasons.  Canadian stations simply couldn't.
Now don't get me wrong, the point of a radio station was still to make dollars and cents ... it was a business after all ... but striving for quality was something I felt should be commended and admired.  WLS in the 1970s had been the same way, and they weren't even legally obligated to be.
-- John Records Landecker

And, speaking of Canadians, as mentioned here last week, Burton Cummings is headed back to the Chicago area in May with two appearance (the 28th and 29th) at The City Winery!  Ticket information is below ...
Click here: City Winery | Chicago | Schedule | Buy Tickets

I see Burton Cummings will be at the Chicago Winery on May 28th & 29th for a solo performance.  And on a more serious note, it brings to mind the Randy Bachman Toronto Star interview and its notes of discord concerning he and Burton.  Whether it be great song-writing teams such as Bachman-Cummings, Lennon-McCartney, Jagger-Richards, or Bacharach-David, it's sad to see the relationships that once produced with their synergistic chemistry such priceless harmony, dissolve into dysfunction. The sometime discord that occasionally never gets resolved whether it be from pride, money or both.  Like so many marriages, the relationships sometimes end with the songs being the kids, occasionally listening to their parent's barbs of resentment and acrimony at the family reunion when in reality everyone knows they still care for one another and each with reasons why they feel like they do.   
Tim Kiley
We're really looking forward to the Burton Cummings show ... a solo outing this time, meaning a completely different set than what we saw at The Arcada Theatre last year.  Fans are STILL talking about our awesome interview with Burt ... you can check it out here:
After Ron Onesti offered us a special half-price ticket deal EXCLUSIVELY for Forgotten Hits Readers to see Paul Revere and the Raiders at his beautiful Arcada Theatre, we not only had on run on ticket sales ... but also received some high praise for the band ...

My favorite band growing up in the '60's was Paul Revere and the Raiders -- I will absolutely be there to see the show on the 13th!

Thanks for all you do in Forgotten Hits.  And now this concert offer is just the icing on the cake.  We'll see you there!

I consider myself to be a major Raiders fan and wish I could attend the show ... I've heard from a number of people over the years that they really put on a great act.  Unfortunately, I'll be in Las Vegas that weekend.  (We went to Vegas a couple of months ago and saw The Australian Bee Gees Tribute -- I thought the show would never end!)
Paul Revere and the Raiders put on very much a Las Vegas-type act ... it's wall-to-wall fun ... sounds like you'll be experiencing the "real thing" that weekend ... but add these guys to your bucket list ... you won't be disappointed.  (kk)   

Put me down for two tickets ... I am REALLY looking forward to this show.  Thank you to you and Ron Onesti for this very generous offer.  Count me in!
Steve Sarley
You're gonna have a blast!  (kk)   

Would love to see Little Anthony ... he's superb ... but I'm stuck with another commitment that night.  Absolutely plan to see the Raiders ... hope to connect with you there. 
Chet Coppock
Count on it ... we won't dream of missing this one!
The other day when I was searching for something else, I found this posted on Chet's Facebook Page ...
My favorite guilty pleasure ... writing pieces for Kent Kotal"s "Forgotten Hits", the greatest rock 'n roll website in the racket. I tend to draw mixed reaction ... I know its only rock 'n roll but I like it ... http://forgottenhits60s.blogspot.com/2013_05_19_archive.html
Thanks, Chet ... that means a lot!  We haven't done a Coppock's Topics in awhile ... let me know when you feel inspired!!!  (kk)   

Paul Revere and the Raiders were my favorite group when I was growing up.  I had all of their albums but have never had the chance to see them live.  My wife and I would LOVE to go to shows like these!
John Earnest   

When I was a little girl growing up, the very first concert I ever went to was Paul Revere and the Raiders.  It was me and a bunch of my girlfriends ... and I mean we were YOUNG ... SO young, in fact, that my mother had to drive us to the show!  You never forget the experience and the excitement of your very first concert ... and I would love to see them again on the 13th. Please put me down for two tickets ... I can't wait to see the show!

They can't take away our memories!  Have a great time at the concert!  (I know you will!)  kk

I know you've talked about The Arcada Theater quite a bit over the years and it sounds like a wonderful place to see a show.  I've never been there but you won me over with this half-price ticket offer.  We'll be looking for you on the 13th.  Would love to say hello.

We have found a GREAT partner in Ron Onesti in helping us to keep this great music alive ... he has a true love and affection for this music ... and has the means and the venue to bring it to a very receptive audience ... check out the list of artists coming to The Arcada Theatre that we ran on Sunday ... UNBELIEVABLE!!!  And more are being added every single day. (kk)  

Time is running out ... we'll be collecting correct entries through April 10th ... and then we'll pick a winner for Joel's brand new "Top Pop Play List, 1955 - 1969" book.
Scroll back to Sunday to catch the fifteen trivia questions.  Match all of the lyrics to all of the song titles and you'll find entered in this very special book drawing ... all happening pre-publication thanks to the kindness of Joel Whitburn, the guy who regularly writes the books spotlighting the history of the charts.
Email your correct answers to forgottenhits@aol.com ... and then check the website to see our lucky winner!  (kk)

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