Today, August 12th, is an Official Forgotten Hits Holiday! A Day Off for Forgotten Hitters everywhere!
For today is NATIONAL VINYL RECORD DAY, a day to
acknowledge Thomas Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877, a critical moment
in History without which could have very well prevented the creation years
later of Kent Kotal establishing Forgotten Hits!
Altho his original first recording has been lost, in a later year, Edison did recreate for posterity his rendition of what is generally credited as being the very first recorded Forgotten Hit, “Mary Had a Little Lamb!”
But revolving back to 1877 at 160 RPMs, the spinning speed of Edison’s Sound Recording Cylinder, to a recently uncovered weekend event a short time after his first historical recording, a lesser-known historical event was discovered when Edison got some of his inventor buddies together in his barn and formed the first known garage band, “Thomas Edison and His Men in Rotating Cylinders!” The featured song they played and sang most of the day? An improved and revised version of his first recorded song!