Breakfast With The Beatles host Chris Carter with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr
I, too, was sorry to hear of Jack Levine’s passing.
Interesting as we get older, we have a (morbid?) curiosity of knowing when friends and the “Entertainers,” ( Singers and Actors and such who were a big part of our everyday lives ) move on. I was looking forward to his contributions as the new Forgotten Hits “Stars Obituary Manager."
You wrote, Kent:
>>>“I placed my ad in The Chicago Tribune looking for old WLS Silver Dollar Surveys (which is how Jack and I first connected back in the early ‘70’s.) One of the newspaper’s journalists … interviewed me for the paper. I remember she ran the piece in the Antiques / Collectors section. (kk)
The “Antiques” Section?! In the early 1970s?!! YOWZER! How old was she?! 12?!
But it kinda explains what’s been said to me now and again over my more later years
. . . “You’ve been in radio like forever, Buell! Did you know Marconi . . . ?”
Here’s a great new interview with our FH Buddy Ray Graffia, Jr., founding member of The New Colony Six, who traces their history thru the ages … and the PAGES … of Klemen Breznikar’s “It’s Psychedelic, Baby” Magazine!
The New Colony Six | Interview | "Breakthrough" - It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine
And you can catch The New Colony Six (along with The Grass Roots) on Sunday, August 27th, at The Des Plaines Theater.
Tickets are available here: https://desplainestheatre.com/events/grass-roots-with-the-new-colony-6/
Best Classic Bands did a tribute to the Herb Alpert album “Whipped Cream And Other Delights” earlier this week …
If you’re not familiar with this legendary, landmark cover, here’s a chance for you to view it multiple times! (kk)
(or who may find themselves in Europe this October)
And for the rest of you, just a little shameless bragging …
Delighted to let you know that the NEW ENGLISH AMERICAN THEATRE (NEAT) will be presenting an evening of my plays later this year under the title THE ROAD PLAYS. NEAT is a prestigious, English speaking company based in Stuttgart that features actors from all over the Continent.
"A Good Night" and "Spain" have been done here in the States.
The third play, BROKEN STRINGS, has never been produced.
This will be the first time my work has been shared outside of America and it makes me feel downright giddy.
Here's the promo for it. Not bad, I think. ("Living Legend" may be pressing the point, but who am I to argue?)
Love to you all,
Bob Lind
Madonna’s tour is still on hold as she continues to recover from her unexpected hospital stay …
But she did send this message to her friends and family earlier this week, thanking them for all their love and support …
Love from family and friends is the best Medicine.
One month out of the
hospital and I can reflect.
As a Mother, you can really get caught up In the needs Of your children and the seemingly endless giving …
But when the chips were
down, my children really showed up for me. I saw a side to them I had never
seen before. It made all the difference.
So did the love and support
from my friends. If you zoom into this Picture I am holding, you will see A
Polaroid taken by Andy Warhol of Keith Haring wearing a jacket with Michael
Jackson’s face painted on it. A perfect triangle of Brilliance.
Artists who touched so many
lives, including my own.
I sobbed when I opened this
gift because I realized how lucky I am to be alive. And how fortunate I am to
have known these people and so many others who are also gone.
Thank you @guyoseary for this gift!
And Thank you to all my angels who protected me and let me Stay to finish doing my work! ♥️
>>>As far as I'm concerned, no musical track has ever captured the spirit of this era better than "White Rabbit." Much of the other stuff was just unlistenable noise. (kk)
>>>Would Chuck care to specify which songs he considered to be "unlistenable noise?"
– Randy Price
>>>That was my quote, actually, not Chuck’s … and I’m referencing the countless number of never-ending, long-winded jams that were saturating the market at the time … by any number of artists who seemed to believe amidst that their own self-indulgence, QUANTITY outweighed quality. Some of these things went on forever and were just relentless in trying so hard to be “of the times” instead of setting the tone on their own terms. I couldn’t listen to it then … and I still can’t listen to it now. (One example … I am listening to all of The Rolling Stones’ albums in order during my commute to and from work … and this week happened upon “Their Satanic Majesties Request.” I defy you to name one redeeming track on this album other than their hit single “She’s A Rainbow” / “2000 Light Years From Home,” which are both EXCELLENT tracks in my opinion. I think The Stones were just trying much to hard to be “of the times” rather than maintain their identity and contribute TO the times. (kk)
Bill Wyman's "In Another Land" was one of several other good tracks from that album, and it was released as a single at the time.
– Randy Price
Yes, and it actually charted (as a solo single, no less!), peaking at #52 in Record World … but only reaching #87 in Billboard. (Look at me … telling THE CHART GUY how the record performed … when he can recite this stuff in his sleep!!!) Suffice to say, the clarification was for the OTHER readers’ benefit, not yours, Randy!
Still, have you listened to this album lately?
Give it a shot … it hasn’t aged well.
Again, I think The Stones were trying to “fit in” to the current groove of the day … instead of concentrating on what they did best … as (as I mentioned) “She’s A Rainbow” / “2000 Light Years From Home” is a most-excellent single. (kk)
>>>Would Chuck care to specify which songs he considered to be "unlistenable noise?" (Randy Price)
>>>That was my quote, actually, not Chuck’s … (kk)
Thanx for clearing that up, Kent ... altho if pressured (and with the benefit of a multiple choice titles list), I probably would find some that fall into that category for me, too!
I recall back in 1968 or 69, when a neighbor tried to get me to smoke marijuana with him, while listening to the long version of Light My Fire by the Doors — claiming I would enjoy the song more if I got high. I declined and still to this day recall that incident whenever I hear the long version of that song; and I agree with you I never indulged in drugs but still can enjoy the music of the 1960's.
Keep on sharing the memories of the greatest decade of music.
Joe Cantello
Marietta, Ga
We have similar pencil stabbing stories.
I was in 7th grade choir (mandatory, only choir I was ever in.) I was being a jerk and Linda (somebody) next to me stabbed me with a #2. It stuck! It was in the soft tissue between my thumb and forefinger ... and it was bleeding like heck. The choir teacher sent me to the nurse, who pulled it out and put a bandage on it. That night I looked at the wound and could see graphite very clearly, still in the wound, so I pulled it out with tweezers. It wasn't until after a month that I noticed the image was still there. I thought this must be similar to getting a tattoo. Well, at least the incident permanently set me against tattoos. Then, after six months, after a year, after five years, after 50 years, it was still there.
Your story prompted me to look today and to my surprise I could barely see it. Yeah, it is finally starting to fade. Maybe in another 50 years it will be gone.
I send you this story, not because it is about a stabbing. No, this is a Forgotten Hits site, and I am writing you about music.
We were learning to sing, "Walk Right In," by the Rooftop Singers. Since I remember the song and not the girl's last name, it must have been an omen ... as I became a radio DJ long before I got married.
Jon M
Radio. It's a sound idea!
At the time, it sure looked like there was a broken-off piece of lead embedded in the palm of my hand … I think my mom was afraid I would get lead poisoning of some sort. But how odd is it that, in both of our cases, the mark still remains some 50+ years later?!?!? (Maybe one of the doctors on our list can chime in with an explanation!)
I can’t remember the girl’s name (first or last!) that stabbed me that day either …
Yet somehow she was still able to leave a mark on me for all these years! (kk)
Some things that first came to my mind while reading Wednesday's FH ...
First, since school will beginning, one might say that SCHOOL IS IN. When you mentioned a few sentences later a "Portable, handheld, user-friendly, etc." reminded me of Frankie Lymon's I'GOT A PORTABLE ON MY SHOULDER.
I don't know off hand where you got Barry Manilow's version of I'M GONNA SIT RIGHT DOWN AND WRITE MYSELF A LETTER, but I'll take Billy William's version any day.
Oh yeah! (lol) kk
I like it, too …
But I think that the Billy Williams who played for The Chicago Cubs probably made a longer-lasting impression on me! (kk)
Apparently the only thing stopping CT from starting school at the beginning of August is that the schools are not all air conditioned, and not likely to be. It is state law that they need to be in order to attend through the summer months. Now that I have said that ... I have six more days of summer school to get through and THEN a two week break before school starts on the 30th of August.
I am ready to deliver your written rocks, Kent. It would be cathartic to through them through windows right now.
We passed through Pleasant Valley on our way home from Kansas City just a short while back …
But here’s Micky Dolenz “on the street!”
(thanks, Timmy!)
How’s this for a resume’?
Asia … King Crimson … Uriah Heep … Roxy Music … Wishbone Ash … and many, many others.
We’re talking about John Wetton, who we sadly lost in 2017.
A brand new 8-CD Box Set will be released on November 24th, celebrating the best of his solo career … with other releases expected to follow.
John Wetton “An Extraordinary Life” 8CD Box Set To Be Released November 24, 2023
On 24th November, the first in a series of box sets commemorating the life and music of one of the UK`s most extraordinary and prolific musicians, John Wetton, will be released.
The “An Extraordinary Life” box set contains eight newly remastered CDs, featuring the six solo albums Wetton released between 1980 and 2011. Each album now includes special bonus tracks. Additionally, two further discs are included which feature a gold mine of rare, live and unreleased material from the vaults, compiled by John`s archivist, Rick Nelson.
Check out trailer for the box set here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EE0HFoq2Ck
Housed in a sumptuous 12” by 12” box, this set includes a 64-page book with an introduction by legendary artist, Roger Dean and contains comprehensive sleeve notes by Nick Shilton, author of Wetton’s biography, “An Extraordinary Life”, published earlier this year. The book also features a raft of photographs taken from the Wetton archive and has been designed by John’s long-time friend, Michael Inns.
This whole project has been lovingly crafted and compiled with the full blessing of John`s son Dylan and his wife Lisa and is endorsed by the Wetton estate.
With a career spanning more than four decades, John Wetton`s rich baritone voice and accomplished bass playing has adorned many recordings. In this “An Extraordinary Life” his extensive solo career is captured for posterity all in one sumptuous box set, making this a fitting tribute to one of the UK most loved and respected artists.
“An Extraordinary Life”
DISC 1: Caught in The Crossfire
DISC 2: Battle Lines (1994)
DISC 3: Arkangel (1997)
DISC 4: Welcome to Heaven (2000)
DISC 5: Rock of Faith (2003)
DISC 6: Raised in Captivity (2011)
DISC 7: New Live and Unreleased Tracks
DISC 8: New Live and Unreleased Tracks
John Wetton has a unique place in British music history. In a glittering career spanning more than 40 years, Wetton was a member of several influential and much-loved bands including Family, King Crimson, Uriah Heep, Wishbone Ash, Roxy Music, UK, Asia and Icon. He also appeared on a host of albums as a guest artist or session player, including Bryan Ferry, Steve Hackett, Brian Eno, Renaissance and Galahad. In addition, Wetton had an extensive and accomplished solo career.
Pre-Order link:https://www.cherryred.co.uk/?post_type=product&p=1056834&preview=true
Official Website:www.johnwetton.co.uk
The folks working on Taylor Swift’s massive record-breaking tour certainly know that their efforts are being appreciated.
According to People Magazine, Swift recently passed out bonuses that totaled over $55 million to everyone (from her dancers to riggers, truckers, sound technicians and catering, among others) working on her massive show.
Now that’s “World’s Best Boss” material right there!!! (kk)
>>>The Gold Records themselves traveling beyond our solar system and now between 12 and 15 billion miles from Earth were designed to last between 1 billion and 5 billion years. ( Side Buell Bar: How could they even “calculate” how long they should last much less that long?! ) Chuck Buell
Do we (United States Government) get our money back if they don't last that long? In the appropriate rate of exchange of the moment?
And, from Tom Cuddy …
Here’s a FH exclusive!
Pee Wee Herman met the late Bobby “Boris” Pickett at a NJ fan event called “Chiller.” “Monster Mash” was one of Pee Wee’s favorites! Photo by Stuart Hersh.
And of course losing Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) could inspire this track …
It's probably a big part of the reason every generation since knows this song! (kk)