Since today (Monday, August 1st, 2023) just happens to be the night of a full moon ...
And since there has been all this talk lately about military whistle blowers acknowledging the on-going investigations into all things alien and UFO related ... and how they may pose a threat to our national security ...
(oh wait, we can't call them UFO's anymore ... they're now called UAP's ... must be some kind of "politically correct" update since the '30's!) ...
And since Kevin Spacey was found not guilty of sexual assault (ya see what I did there) ...
And since Chuck Buell wants us to maintain our image of being on the leading (if not BLEEDING) edge of all things Forgotten Hitable ...
He has offered up THIS piece of galaxy news.
And so, without any further adieu (bless you!) ...
Here is the latest fromour in-resident Director of the Forgotten Hits “Music in Outer Space” Department, Chuck Buell
(who may have been considered a little bit spacey himself from time to time over the years!!!) . . .
One of the most iconic pieces of musical space exploration history went up for auction yesterday.
But it can still be yours at a later date as it did not sell!
In 1977, just weeks apart, NASA’s Twin Voyager Probes, Voyager One and Voyager Two, lifted off to explore the solar system. They carried identical 12-inch golden records designed as the first recorded interstellar message from humankind to potential intelligent life in the cosmos.
Eight copies of this special record, made of copper and plated in gold, were produced, including the two that flew to space. Each record cover was etched with symbols depicting how to locate the Sun and instructions on how to play the record.
And, as any astute Forgotten Hitter knows, one of those recordings included Chuck Berry’s 1958, Top 10 Hit, “Johnny B. Good.”
The Gold Records themselves traveling beyond our solar system and now between 12 and 15 billion miles from Earth were designed to last between 1 billion and 5 billion years. ( Side Buell Bar: How could they even “calculate” how long they should last much less that long?! )
And shortly after they do, NASA fully expects to receive phone calls from undetermined locations stating that the warranty on their space probes have expired and should be renewed immediately!
( OK, I might have made that last line up, but still . . . )
BTW, a 3 Vinyl LP Box Set Compilation of these actual NASA Gold Records, especially for Earthlings, IS available on Amazon for a more budgetable price of around $160.
( Forgotten Hitters wonder if Kent has this one in his extensive collection of Box Record Sets! )
Seems to me that this piece is just BEGGIN' for a SWEET 16 List!!!
Well, not exactly ...
Buell'll be back tomorrow to cover a few points regarding what we're calling "Pencil Logic"
See you then!