Hello, Kent:
I'm still hanging around. All this stuff is interesting. Of course, Tony Bennett and I go way back. Hell, he was only eight years older than I.
I was a teenager when he came upon the scene. Our house was filled with that kind of music. We actually heard "In The Middle Of An Island." When Tony was hot, Sinatra was not. He was singing almost anything trying to reclaim the glory of his 1940s success. Bim Bam Baby and Mama Will Bark were Mitch Miller's attempt to salvage Frank's career. He was two years away from "From Here To Eternity," Capitol Records, Nelson Riddle, etc. So I was a Bennett fan before I became a Sinatra fan. Frank won me over, but both are in my top 3 male vocalists, along with Nat King Cole.
Now, about the Beatles and that critique ...
I was about thirty when the Beatles landed and totally incapable of getting what was going on. Hell, I had a time with Little Richard, Fats Domino, Elvis and all that stuff as I transitioned away from the world of pop music and the likes of Kay Starr, Dinah Shore and Doris Day. Now this. We thought it was a joke when The Beatles did Ed Sullivan. Well, my family anyway. It was our ignorance and it took some time and a lot of listening to transition into this whole new world which we had not grown up in. So Mr. Jones was writing with a tightly closed mind and a lot of us agreed.
The Beatles now reside in about a zillion mp3s on my hard drive. Love 'em.
Having eclectic tastes myself, I enjoyed reading Obama's list.
I totally agree about Lady Gaga. In the world of show business sometimes you have to focus on the show. She can sing.
Those who weren't around in the early days of rock 'n roll like I was may have a different opinion, but in 1955 to Alan Freed (and me), Tony Bennett was a rock 'n roll star.
Please fel free to post and share his program cover from my collection.
Ed Salamon
CBS reran the Tony Bennett / Lady Gaga special from 2021 Sunday Night ... and CBS Morning paid tribute to Tony as well.
(See, these are the kinds of things you can do when you're in the middle of a seemingly endless writers and actors strike ... think outside the box and run some interesting timely broadcasting instead!) kk
More on the writers strike below, courtesy of Chuck Buell!
>>>The State of Arizona is now offering an Alice Cooper license plate! (kk)
This may be one of the first -- if not THE first Rock & Roll license plate in the country...
Tim K.
Hi Kent ...
Mitch Schecter (formerly of The Rip Chords) here.
I wanted to let you, and the whole Forgotten Hits community know that Richie Rotkin passed away last Saturday. He was 82. We will miss him greatly.
I've attached a photo of one of Richie's happiest moments ... us onstage with Al Jardine (who he loved) in Las Vegas at a show we did together.
Mitch Schecter
So sorry to hear this.
Richie was one of the original members of The Rip Chords, after Bruce (Johnston) and Terry (Melcher) launched the group in the early '60's.
They had a couple of big surf/pop hits in 1964, most notably "Hey Little Cobra," which went all the way to # 4 on Billboard's Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart.
Thanks so much for letting us know. (kk)
kk …
The Forgotten Hits Saturday Evening Post …
I Like It … Clever …
But Why Stop At Saturday?
You Could Always Do:
The Monday, Monday Post
The Tuesday Afternoon Post
Wednesday's Child Post
Thursday ... I Got Nothing … Can You Think Of One?
The Monday I Have Friday On My Mind Post
The Saturday In The Park Post
And The Sunday & Me Posting
Going to the dogs: Jeff Barry ("Sugar Sugar,""Be My Baby,"
"Chapel of Love," etc.) shoots the shit w/ Paul Shaffer @TWOR 9/13.
Tix now!
I admit to a number of them that both Linda and I watch regularly. And while doing so the other night, inspiration hit and I came up with what I thought could be a Fun Police Show Drinking Game, if we were a bit younger!
Every time one of these phrases is spoken in a Police Show’s episode, one would throw back a shot ~~~
”FBI! or POLICE! OPEN UP!” We need to talk to you!”
“We know you’re in there!”
“You take the Back! I’ll take the Front!”
“I need a Bus ( this season’s new term for an ambulance ) at my location!”
“Stop! You can’t come in here. Stay behind the taped off area!”
“But that’s my ( fill in the body’s relationship )!”
“All the Security Cams are either Down or Broken.”
“Can you Zero in closer on the License Plate?!”
“Getting any match on Facial Rec?”
“It all happened so fast.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Easy. Relax. You’re safe now.”
“You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
“Here’s my card. If you think of anything else, call me.”
“Suspect is in Custody!”
“Either you start talking or your sorry ass is going to rot away in prison!”
“They won’t be getting out for a long, long time.”
“Everything’s going to be all right.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a Cop.”
Along with “Blue Bloods,” a fictionalized Police Drama about the New York Police Department starring Tom Selleck, “The Rookie,” another imagined Police Drama about the oldest former rookie on the Los Angeles Police Force starring Nathan Fillion, is one of our favorites.
It’s already produced one “Rookie spin-off” series ( “The Rookie: Feds”. ) And here’s my show concept for another police “Rookies” show that I think could be interesting. This one would take place with the transformative and ever-changing years of the late 1940s as the background and would be based on the adventures and fast-paced lives of these Very Special Police Academy Cadets ~~~
I would make a couple of changes right off tho. For instance, in looking at this old historic photo, I wonder why the wardrobe for these women back then didn’t include “sensible heels!” I can’t imagine any one of them, determined and efficient as they may be, service revolvers at the ready, wearing the shoes in this photo while chasing a perp down a cluttered back alley and when they attempt to escape by climbing a chain link security fence to have to jump up on them and forcibly slam them to the ground and handcuff them!
(Wait. I might have to add that recurring fence take-down scene to my drinking game!)
At any rate, now with this Law Enforcement Shows Story firmly in custody, here’s my Special “Chuck Buell Forgotten Hits Police Show Minute Medley!”
CB ( which stands for “Charlie's-Angels Boy!” )
Hmmm … The voice of
Charlie sure sounds suspiciously like our very own Forgotten Hits “Charlie
Boy!” (kk)