Happy Sunday!
Got enough here to fill a couple of days ... so let's get to it!
As the first round of Eagles tickets went on sale, the demand was so high that additional shows were quickly added in New York City, Boston, Denver, Indianapolis, Atlanta, and St. Paul. (We’re expecting them to play at least two shows here in Chicago … the question will be whether they’ll be on consecutive nights or as part of a second swing-through this part of the country.)
The updated schedule now shows as:
September 7th and 8th– New York, NY – Madison Square Garden
September 11th and 13th–
Boston, MA – TD Garden
September 16th – Newark, NJ – Prudential Center
September 20th – Belmont Park, NY – USB Arena
October 5th and 6th– Denver,
CO – Ball Arena
October 9th and 10th–
Indianapolis, IN – Gainbridge Fieldhouse
October 13th – Detroit, MI – Little Caesars Arena
October 17th – Cleveland, OH – Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse
November 2nd and 4th–
Atlanta, GA – State Farm Arena
November 7th – Charlotte, NC – Spectrum Center
November 9th – Raleigh, NC – PNC Arena
November 14th – Lexington, KY – Rupp Arena
November 17th and 18th– St.
Paul, MN – Xcel Energy Center
(Second shows added are shown in red)
Frannie checked a couple of different cities after tickets first went on sale and may sections of these arenas are already down to single seats … this tour is going to be MAMMOTH. (Tickets are selling like … well, like Eagles tickets!!! Watch your back, Taylor Swift!!!) kk
Hi Kent,
I've read a lot of backlash on the Eagles lately and while everyone is entitled to their opinion, I've never lost my love for their music. In fact, my very first album purchase was the One Of These Nights album, which I bought with some birthday money I got when I turned 10 years old. Also, one of the best celebrity encounters I've ever had happened in 1985. Don Henley was doing his solo tour and me and a couple of friends were hanging around outside his tour bus after the show. What we thought would be just a quick glimpse and at best a "hello" as he boarded the bus actually turned out to be a fun 20-minute conversation about the show and his career. He was quite charming and even answered our Eagles questions! Since then, I've heard that Henley can be a real jerk, but he won me over on that night and made me a fan for life.
Paul Haney
Record Research
You’re talking to a HUGE Eagles (and in particular) Don Henley fan here - love his music and have seen him solo several times as well as The Eagles live half a dozen times. (Do the math and figure out how much all of THOSE tickets cost me over the years - on second thought, don’t!!!)
I actually remember giving my ex-wife the choice one time:
Well, honey we can either go to Hawaii … or go see The Eagles!
Those second row seats cost me $750 a piece in 1994 dollars… which translates to about $1550 each in today’s value.
But I have never seen them with Vince Gill and Deacon Frey - so somehow, someway we’re going again! (If we can find them in time at face value, I’m figuring that halfway decent mezzanine seats are going to cost us about $425 each. Once they hit the ticket brokers, all bets are off … they’ll easily be going for $1500 - $2000.)
But hey, Powerball’s up to $500 Million right now! Anything could happen!!! (kk)
And, as Chuck Buell points out, once you shell out your $2500 (minimum) to grab dinner and go see The Eagles, here is a list of all the things you CAN’T do after spending all that money!!!
Now these Tips from Forgotten Hitter, Chuck Buell’s, “Concert Corner” …
Reading Shelley J Sweet-Tufano’s Great Double Your Pleasure Concert Reviews in Forgotten Hits recently and the recent incident of Golf Ball Size Hail falling on Concert Attendees at Denver’s Red Rocks Amphitheater that injured hundreds of concert-goers recently, it seems going to a music performance is becoming more challenging by the day!
With that in mind, here’s some important tips triggered by those events from my VU Needle-bending Red Line High Decibel Concert Volume Damaged Brain from the “CB Concert Corner!”
Remember back in our day, when we wanted to go to a Future Forgotten Hitter’s Major Rock Concert, we generally bought our ticket and . . . just went with few restrictions?!
For instance, I remember basically just walking right into Busch Stadium in St. Louis in 1966 with my ticket in hand to see the Beatles!
Today, however, apparently Concert-goers want to bring all kinds of stuff with them to a concert which has created a whole list of some very specific and detailed restrictions and parameters for those attending.
For instance, for almost any Very Popular Pop Star’s Stadium, Arena or Outdoor Amphitheater Concert here in Denver these days ~~~
Binocular or Camera cases,
Patterned plastic bags,
Non-clear fanny pack or purses,
Oversized tote bags,
Mesh Bags,
Seat cushions with zippers, pockets, concealed areas or a cover altho
a one-piece foam seat cushion 18 inches or less wide is OK.
Diaper bags ( altho Diapers and wipes may be carried in ) and
Small collapsible, umbrella strollers are OK.
YES ~~~
An approved Clear-sized Bag in which to carry those aforementioned Diapers and Wipes, such as ~
A Clear Flat one-gallon resealable Bag which is 10½ inches by 11 inches,
One Clear Rectangular Bag no larger than 12 inches by x 6 inches x 12 inches,
A small Clutch Bag or Purse no larger than 6.5 inches x 4.5 inches.
Keys, Coins or other Metal Objects must be removed from pockets and held in hand or in an approved Clear Bag.
Jackets and blankets may be carried in in-hand but NO
Electric or Battery-heated blankets, socks, coats, or sweaters.
YES ~~~
Still-photography cameras with a lens that is no longer than 6 inches, but NO Single purpose video cameras,
Binoculars may be carried in Loosely or in an approved Clear Bag.
The same goes for Cell Phones, and
Portable Cell Phone Chargers ( no larger than a cellphone ),
Food of any kind contained in an approved Clear Bag,
Unfrozen non-alcoholic beverages in a Factory-sealed Bottle,
But NO ~~~
Stainless Steel Water Bottles, Glass Bottles, Beverage Cans, Frozen Drinks,
Coolers of any kind, Thermoses or Ice chests, and NO
Alcohol of any kind.
Banners, Signs or Flags that are not event related or which obstruct another patron’s view,
Large Golf-sized Umbrellas,
Laser Pointers,
Weapons (including knives), and any item that may be used as a projectile,
Any Animal with the exception of a Service Animal.
WHEW! Then try to find a non-Budget-Busting Ticket that’s not off up in the nosebleed section,
And then, Have a Good Time!
( I wonder if Forgotten Hitter, Concert-Reviewer, Shelly Sweet-Tufano, has a Special “Go-To a Concert Grab-n-Go Pack” when she goes to a concert! )
In any case, here’s my “Chuck Buell Rockin’ Concert Minute Medley!”
CB ( which stands for No Longer a “Concert Boy!” )
One of the more memorable concerts I ever saw was in Reno in (I think) 1989.
Frankie Valli and three other guys (not the originals) billed as the 4 Seasons were the 'main' act.
However, the opening act might be familiar to you as well ... it was a group called the 4 Tops … and they were all the original members. The 4 Tops were sensational.
Valli and his guys were good also.
Then came the encore.
All 8 guys were on stage. The 4 Tops would start a 4 Seasons song - and all 8 sang it. Then the 4 Seasons would start a 4 Tops song - and all 8 joined in. Repeat several times.
End of show.
Sounds amazing. Now THAT’s a concert that should have been filmed so that others could enjoy it on DVD! (kk)
You mentioned the 50th anniversary of AMERICAN GRAFFITI coming up. Just last weekend I watched online the sequel MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI from 1979. Kind of forgotten about that movie until I remembered it last weekend and decided I would watch it. Also, whenever I think of AMERICAN GRAFFITI, it reminds me of an oldies show that was on an FM station here in OKC some three or four years later. It was on just two hours on a Saturday night. What the DJ doing the show would do was simply play the 2 LP tracks from the movie, even those songs that Wolfman Jack introduced. The show was bad … but the music was good as we all know.
Well, that sound pretty lame! (lol)
Speaking of lame, “More American Graffiti” is NOT one of the better sequels out there.
I remember reading many years ago (probably 10-15 years after the film first came out) what it would cost “today” to reunite all those stars again. Most had become HUGE box office attractions by that point or major television stars. It would have been a VERY expensive venture (not to mention the licensing fees for all of the music.) And then, of course, they’d actually have to come up with a decent script! (kk)
Now HERE’s something you don’t find every day!
A handwritten will by Aretha Franklin was found hidden under a couch cushion … and a judge has ruled it as binding, putting to end a long-running feud between her sons. (Don’tcha just love it when families come together in times of grief???)
Franklin, who died five years ago on August 16th, 2018, was first thought to have died without a will … and, according to Michigan law, “the assets of an unmarried person who dies without a will are divided equally among their children.” As such, her sons — Clarence, Edward and Kecalf Franklin, and Ted White Jr. — listed themselves as “interested parties.
In the meantime, THREE handwritten wills were discovered in her home, including this one, found under the couch cushions, dated 2014.
On Tuesday, July 11th, a jury determined that this one … the most recently dated … should be the binding determination. (Previously, all four sons had agreed to be bound by a will dated 2010, which benefited all four of them. However, The Detroit Free Press is now reporting that Kecalf Franklin “stands to benefit in a big way from the development, including taking sole ownership of her multimillion-dollar Bloomfield Hills home.”
The 2014 document designates that Franklin’s music royalties — her largest long-term asset — would be split evenly between only three of her sons. (The Detroit Free Press further points out that Aretha’s oldest son, Clarence, is currently residing in an assisted living home with an agreement in place for his siblings to support him.)
Aretha wasn’t exactly rolling in the money and living the high life when she passed away … she reportedly owed the IRS $7.8 million in unpaid income taxes, interest and penalties, accrued between 2010-2017. A plan was put in place in 2021 to pay off the tax burden while still giving her sons some of the income from her estate.
Peter Nero, famed concert pianist who, (in the words of The New York Post) “soared to popularity in the 1960s with a swinging hybrid of classics and jazz and kept the beat for nearly six decades with albums, club and television dates, and segues into conducting pops orchestras,” died on Thursday, July 6th in Eustis, Florida. He was 89.
Nero hit The Pop Top 40 once in 1971 with his “Theme from ‘Summer of ’42,” a million seller that peaked at #21. (Now THAT was a cool movie at the time … I imagine it must look pretty dated nowadays.)
In 1962, The World-Telegram and Sun wrote that “Mr. Nero played classical music with his left hand and pop-jazz with his right” … but Nero himself helped to perpetuate that analysis when he would tell his audience “We shall play ‘Tea for Two. Since our arrangement is complex, we’d like to explain what we’ll be doing. My right hand will be playing ‘Tea for Two,’ while my left hand will play Tchaikovsky’s Fifth. My left foot will be fiercely tapping out the traditional rhythm to the Tahitian fertility dance. My right foot will not be doing too much. It will just be excited.”
He was a major concert attraction and over the years appeared with Frank Sinatra, Mel Tormé, Andy Williams, Johnny Mathis and other headliners. He released 72 albums and went on to conduct the Philly Pops for 34 years. Staying true to form, he would often conduct with one hand while playing piano with the other. (kk)
Good morning, Kent:
Rerunning “Who played the first Beatles record” was a terrific idea today.
Rick O’Dell
Did any of you out there listen to Rewound Radio’s Tribute to Dick Biondi on Saturday? VERY well done … great quality clips dating back thru all the various phases of Dick’s long-running career.
Got this from Pam Pulice, too, about her most recent screening of her Dick Biondi Documentary …
was an emotional day at the Acorn Theater last Sunday following Dick’s recent
death. I was struck by the overwhelming love in the room and the many friends
and supporters who made an appearance, including a guy who calls himself a Dick
Biondi ambassador, John Landecker. John has been supporting me and the film for
many years going back to when he first moved to Laporte, Indiana to retire (or
so he thought!)
It is an incredible honor and privilege for me to tell Dick's story. I was a guest on John Landecker's WGN radio program earlier in the week talking about the film and what a special guy Dick Biondi was ... and John told me that over the years, he and Bob Sirott had asked Dick many times to write a book to record all of his stories ... but Dick would say "Oh, who wants to hear about Dick Biondi and Elvis?" "Gee, I don't know," John said ... "I think a few people might!"
Then, at our special screening at The Acorn Theater, John came up on stage told this story to the audience ... and then explained how he finally found out why Dick said yes to me when he had said no to him and Bob Sirott. “I always wondered how Pam got to do this project since he said no to everybody else," John said ... "so I finally asked her and she said, 'I told Dick I wanted to do it from the fan’s perspective.' John said, “Okay, Now I get it.” Dick is such a humble guy, but we knew he would do anything for his fans. So that’s how it happened. John’s adorable wife Nika also told stories about her many conversations with Dick at the WJMK 104.3 studios when John and Dick worked there.
Ted Gordon Smucker, who became our newest Official Sponsor (thanks so much,
Ted!) shared an exciting program -- 6 hours of Dick Biondi airchecks,
this Saturday on RewoundRadio.com. I can't wait to listen to Dick the way we heard
him from 1959 at WKBW to his first night on KRLA, including WLS Chicago, WSAI
Cincinnati, WJMK Chicago, and more.
Thanks to Team Biondi -- my sweet sis Bev, her son Josh, and his friend Laura.
And thanks to everyone who came to the Acorn Theater to share this very special
screening. Did I mention people are loving Dick's movie! Having the movie
almost ready for distribution is a feeling of both relief and coming full
circle since it all began in Indiana where I first encountered the Acorn
Dick is a national treasure. He deserves national recognition. YOU
can be a part of this film by donating to help us raise the final portion of
our budget to get this film out to the public, on or before, September 13,
which would have been Dick's 91st birthday.
Please help us complete this important and inspiring film by donating whatever
you can to help us reach our $200,000 budget. We've raised 75% so far and need
the funds to cover the final licensing necessary to share Biondi's story with
the world. Donations to this project are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE and will be received
through our fiscal sponsor, Chicago Filmmakers, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit
organization. Click hereto make a tax-deductible donation and have
your name added to the credits of this film. Time is of the
essence. Please share this fundraiser with your friends and family. Thank
you in advance for your support.
Love & gratitude,
Pam Pulice
Producer & Director
I have a copy of a 30 minute interview that Pam did with JR Russ on WCFLChicago.com…
If you’d like to hear it, let me know and I’ll send you a copy! (kk)
kk …
My Pal Ken "KOJAK" Will Be Doing A 2 Show (7/18 & 7/25) Tribute To Don K. Reed.
Kojak Is Going To Play WCBS-FM's TOP 101 DOO-WOP's COUNTDOWN.
Don Was On WCBS-FM For 27 Years & 2 Months -- Before The JACK Attack.
He Spent Most Of That Time In The Doo-Wop Shop. Don's Birthday Was 7/22 & He Died 1 Year ago.
I'm Sure Some Of Your Readers Will Be Interested In This Tribute Show.
Here's All They Need To Know:
"KEN KOJAK's 1960's JUKEBOX REVUE" / Tuesdays (8 - 11 PM) /
I'm Going To Predict That The # 1 Song Will Be "IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT" by FRED PARRIS & THE FIVE SATINS.
The Good Old Days -- Before "HEY JUDE" Always Came Up # 1.
Lots of press for Mark Volman’s new book. (I’m actually reading it now … had to finish up something else first!)
It’s written in an interesting style … several others tell the story with Mark chiming in here and there … takes a little bit of getting used to.
(I’ve pretty much just started it … in fact, The Crossfires just became The Turtles as I write this … but then The Turtles rocket to success with “It Ain’t Me, Babe,” “You Baby” and now “Happy Together.”)
It sure makes me want to listen to a lot of Turtles music! (kk)
Turtles music never goes out of style!
Tom Cuddy
Mark Volman, in conversation with Michael Walker, discusses Happy Forever: My Musical Adventures with the Turtles, Frank Zappa, T. Rex, Flo & Eddie, and More
Mark Volman has led a storied life, and many of those stories are contained in Happy Forever. A true son of Southern California, he has gone from topping the charts with The Turtles ('Happy Together') to underground cred with Frank Zappa and beyond. As Flo & Eddie, Mark and his longtime singing partner Howard Kaylan were the not-so-secret ingredient on many other artist's records, taking Bruce Springsteen into the Top 10 for the very first time and helping T. Rex dominate the British charts. Then came The Ramones, U2, Blondie, Duran Duran, and so many more; the list of credits is long and varied.
Happy Forever covers all of that, along with subsequent forays into animation, a stint as a radio personality in Los Angeles and New York, and a midlife return to academia, which led Mark to create and run innovative college programs in LA and Nashville. But this is not the world according to Mark Volman, and it is not your average musical autobiography. Alongside his own comments, this uniquely insightful book contains contributions from more than one hundred of Mark's peers, friends, and lovers who share their thoughts on the man himself and on topics that span the social and cultural landscape of past half-century.
Happy Forever's cast list reads like a who's who of popular music, featuring members of The Doors, The Monkees, The Byrds, The E Street Band, and many more; producers Tony Visconti, Bob Ezrin, and Hal Willner; voice actors from The Simpsons and the Firesign Theatre; and key figures from the worlds of radio, animation, and academia. The book also includes previously unseen photographs and forewords by Alice Cooper and Chris Hillman. (Jawbone Press)
Event date:
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 7:00pm
Event address:
Book Soup
8818 Sunset Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Hope to see ya back here tomorrow! (kk)