All kinds of 4th of July Weekend radio specials going on …
But this one caught our ear ...
Sirius XM’s 70’s on 7 Channel kicked THEIR holiday weekend off YESTERDAY already!!! (Siriusly … FIVE DAYS EARLY!?!?)
They’re playing down (again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again) The Top 1000 Songs of the ‘70’s, as voted on by their listeners.
As is usually the case with countdowns such as these, you’ll find the most interesting tracks in the BOTTOM six or seven hundred before all of the obvious choices kick in.
But I’ll tell you what …
I listened for a little while on the way into work yesterday … and they were only in the 960’s … and some of these “favorites” were mind boggling! “Stick Up” by Honey Cone??? “Jungle Fever” by Chakachas?!?!? That song is actually somebody’s FAVORITE?!?! (Although I have to it admit that it WAS cool to hear it … because it’s not one that typically gets played a lot … and, to top it off, they played the LONG version!!! [I didn’t even know there WAS a long version!] LOTS more moaning … or perhaps more fittingly, bang for your buck!) kk
I enjoyed your blurb in today's FH about Wheel Of Fortune.
As a former contestant (I was on in January, 2020), I experienced first-hand how Pat Sajak uses his wit and humor to help myself and fellow contestants relax when the cameras are on.
Believe me - it's a much different situation when you're trying to figure out puzzles and you know millions of people are at home yelling at you from their living rooms. Anybody can tell contestants how many Rs are in a puzzle and what the wheel landed on ... I'm hoping Ryan Seacrest is able to make the same connection with the contestants like Pat can.
Back in the 80s, Wheel used to have a daytime version, which Pat also hosted. After he left, a couple hosts filled his role until that version was cancelled in 1991. As much as I'm skeptical about Ryan taking over, I wish him success for the future of the show.
Colin Donahue
VERY cool!
I have always considered myself a pretty good player … at home, of course, without the pressure and the lights … and I will admit to yelling at contestants during nearly every episode I’ve ever watched! (lol)
But what everybody reading this wants to know is … how’d you do??? Did you win any money???
And how’d you manage to get on??? (kk)
Mark Volman Event Alert
At: BOOK SOUP – 8818 Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069
On 07/18/2023 – 7:00 pm – Mr. Volman is scheduled to autograph copies of his new book!
Sunday marks the 70th Anniversary of ...
-- Tim K.
>>>89 year old Frankie Valli got married last week! (kk)
And the Guy's Ten or So Years Older Than Us!
"My Eyes Adored You,""Sherry!" "I Can't Take My Eyes Off You!" You know Who Loves You!" "Can You Come Out Tonight?!"
You're no "Rag Doll!" You're my "Candy Girl!" And you make me "Walk Like A Man!" "Let's Hang On to What We've Got!"
You can choose wherever we go on our Honeymoon because I'm sure it'll be "Oh, What a Night!"
89 year old Frankie Valli got married last week to 60-year old ( you want to do the math or me?! ) Former Actress and afterwards the Senior Director of Marketing at CBS!
We all should have a photographer who can make us all so good at those ages!
Postings over the next several days may be scarce ...
So all of you please enjoy a fun (but safe!) 4th of July Weekend! (kk)