Here's how it all started a week or two ago ...
>>>Please send me your "fascinating newsletter"…I look forward to becoming a regular reader, and at least an occasional contributor. I currently live in Long Beach, CA, although I grew up in the Steel City - Pittsburgh, PA, just a stone’s throw up the hill (there are hills everywhere in the Pittsburgh area) from the home of the Vogues, who hailed from the small town/suburb of Turtle Creek (great name, huh?), PA.
>>>Welcome aboard, Nick … you’ve got a WHOLE lotta catching up to do! (lol)
And that’s exactly what he did! (Way to jump right into the pool head first, Nick! Lol)
Attached is my review of the Stones in LA. I have also sent along two long-range pictures of the venue, SoFi Stadium, to give an idea of the massiveness of this venue that the Stones filled to capacity on two nights. (All of my other pictures were taken by a real, not cell-phone, camera, and I don't know how to send them electronically.) Hopefully the words in my review will speak for themselves.
Nick Frankart
By Nick Frankart
On October 14, 2021, the Bad Boys of Rock ‘n’ Roll - minus their late drummer Charlie Watts, who sadly passed away just two months earlier – came and conquered LA’s new, cavernous SoFi football Stadium, to the massive communal exhilaration of some 70,000 of their closest friends - both old and young, and all persons in between - in the first of two concert Events in the month of October.
“Events” because “concerts” is not a strong enough word to capture the experience of attending a “Stones” show in person. Not a tribute group, you know this is a special night when you pinch yourself and it occurs to you that these are the ROLLING STONES! I should know, because this was my very first time EVER seeing the legendary “Mick and the Boys” show in 50 plus years as a rock ‘n’ roll fan.
What took so long?
Mick Jagger, their unquestioned “young” leader at the ripe age of 78, was in fine form physically and vocally throughout, as he delivered hit after hit with the energy of someone a third (never mind half) of his age. Here is the complete setlist: The Rolling Stones Concert Setlist at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood on October 14, 2021 | Some personal favorites included Ruby Tuesday, Start Me Up and Honky Tonk Women. But there were so many more classics to choose from – 19 to be exact. Two-and-a-quarter hours of uninterrupted classic hits, including a two-song set by 77-year-old young pup Keith Richards, while Mick changed into some new track shoes. And all the while, Ronnie Wood - the baby of the group at 74 years old - continued on lead guitar and backing up the boys when needed.
It’s said that Mick walks (runs/struts/preens) some 8-10 MILES a night while touring the stage and its environs. A special commendation goes out to Steve Jordan, who “filled in” remarkably on the drums for longtime co-founder Charlie Watts - who was suitably recognized in a two-minute photo-and-drum-solo tribute to kick off the show, across four colorful giant vertical video boards, front and center. Now that’s a concert!
Not to be overlooked was the opening band, called Ghost Hounds. No, I had never heard of them either - even though they are based in my hometown of Pittsburgh - The Steel City - but they were a perfect pairing with the Stones. Same blues-and-rock musical style and same high energy level, and they delivered on a 45-minute set that truly warmed up the crowd for The World’s Greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll Band. Not just a “When are the Stones coming on?” act. And Ghost Hounds received a well-deserved shout-out from Mick Jagger himself on the stage. Nice touch. Check them out on YouTube.
And whatever you do, don’t miss the Stones on their next tour. We can only hope there will be a next tour. Why stop now?
Stones vs. Beatles? No need to choose. Plenty of room for both, and we’re all better off for it.
Man, this place looks amazing!!!
I’ve only seen The Stones once and it was a long, long time ago (1972 to be exact!)
Some may argue that this was The Rolling Stones at their peak … “Sticky Fingers” was still brand new and even back then they were already referring to them as “The World’s Greatest Rock And Roll Band” and although I never personally went along with all the hype (my favorites were Creedence!), they definitely put on a show.
I have ALMOST gone several times since but somehow just never made it. From what I understand, the intensity of the shows has only increased since then … pretty amazing as the boys have all gotten older … but never lost their drive for what brought them all here in the first place, even as members have come and gone along the way. (Our late buddy Chet Coppock saw The Rolling Stones live over fifty times … never missed a show here in Chicago and traveled to see them all over the country as well. There was absolutely NO question in his mind as to who The World’s Greatest Rock And Roll Band were!)
Thanks for the great review! Much appreciated (and a REALLY good job for a newbie on the list! Lol) It DOES make me want to see them again.
Will The Stones tour again? With the loss of Drummer Charlie Watts, maybe not … maybe they’ll look at this as a fitting tribute and easy way to bow out. But honestly, I think they’ll do whatever they want to do, just as they always have … and the reaction and reviews to the current tour have been glowing in every stop … so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if another new album and subsequent tour are still in the cards.
As for The Beatles vs. The Stones, can’t we just love both??? I mean, it’s not like we're talking about The White Sox and The Cubs!!! (kk)