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Thursday This And That


Phil Nee of WRCO will be running The Top 50 from our Top 3333 Most Essential Classic Rock Songs Of All-Time list this weekend … along with several “extras” (including #3333!)
Unfortunately, they’re STILL not streaming … but if you live in the Richmond Center area of Wisconsin, be sure to catch his “Those Were The Days” Oldies show this Saturday Night.
With Memorial Day Weekend coming up, I was thinking “What a great time to run The  Top 1000 … people are literally stuck at home looking for ways to spend their time - radio stations that are operating with limited staff can preprogram their whole weekend – I mean let’s face it … other than a limited amount DJ patter,  Covid-19 news updates and commercials, the show could practically run itself.
I just may try to push for this with a few of the classic rock stations on the list.  (A lot of stations used to run Memorial Day 500 Countdowns anyway … this way, instead of having to repeat the same 500 songs two or three times over your three day weekend, opt in for the full Top 1000 … fill the gaps with assorted extras … you’ll find ALL kinds of great tracks to choose from … and make this “must listening” for all the backyard cookouts going on.
By the way, if you STILL don’t have your copy of the complete Top 3333 List, drop me an email and we’ll forward it along to you.  (kk)

Did you get a chance to hear the Sirius 60s Feel Good Songs Countdown? 
It was pretty good.  Most all of the songs were well worn classics.
Yes, Sirius / XM seems to have all kinds of countdown shows going on right now … again, playing the their captive audience of folks stuck at home.  (People aren’t even out and about in their cars anymore … because there’s no place that you can go!!!  What was the comment I heard the other day on Sam Tallerico’s LAFOS show … “Lately my car’s been getting three weeks to the gallon!!!”

All the more reason to take our Top 3333 / Top 1000 / Top 500 / Top 100 / Top 50 list seriously … it’s GREAT programming … a chance to play a bunch of Classic Rock Songs that you just don’t hear much anymore … and still captivate your audience as they sit listening to find out what the #1 song is.  And again, this countdown beats any other countdown out there … because it was based on ONE MILLION VOTES!!!  (A station running its own poll might get 10,000 votes … we’ve got ONE HUNDRED TIMES that!!!)
And you’ve still got three weeks to pull it all together!  (kk)

One of my favorite shows of the past two years has been “Killing Eve.”  So much so, in fact, that I’ve already watched Seasons One And Two TWICE !
Season Three is getting off to a much slower start … and I’m not real keen on the way they’re editing things this year (as well as how much more difficult it is to understand the dialog … seriously, they should just leave the subtitles on for the whole episode) … but I was BLOWN away on Episode Four Sunday Night when, in the same hour, they featured “Dear Diary” by The Moody Blues and “Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips” by Tiny Tim!!!  (You’re not even gonna hear THAT kind of diversity on the radio these days!!!  Lol)
Again, I am ALWAYS amazed by the creative process of selecting the musical soundscape … which obviously skews a bit “older” than the show itself would imply.  Great job, Folks!  (kk)

>>>Wild Wayne is reporting that Bobby Lewis has died.  1961= Bobby was "TOSSIN'& TURNIN',” a # 1 Hit written by Ritchie Adams, a member of the Vogues.   (FB)
Hi Kent,
Good to know you're doing well during this challenging time and still crankin' out FH.
In this issue, there's an error (probably a mistype): "Tossin' and Turnin'" was written by Ritchie Adams of The Fireflies, not The Vogues.
Ed Osborne

Hey, Kent –
My name is Bobby Scammell … long time bass player for The Rip Chords.
I just wanted to send a fun Bobby Lewis photo from my personal music files ...
Backstage - NJ Meadowlands - Sirius/XM - circa 2013 60's on Six show - live concert and radio broadcast.
At the time of this concert Bobby was 88 years old and blind ...
But, he still stole the show. A heck of a memory.

I have found out that singer Millie Small has passed away. You probably already know this as I am sending you this email. I always did like her follow-up to MY BOY LOLLIPOP, SWEET WILLIAM. Stay safe.
Larry Neal

Another Death To Report.

This Billboard link also tells of the death of Florian Schneider, a founding member of Kraftwerk.  It was interesting to see an email from Ultimate Classic Rock naming Kraftwerk’s Ten Greatest Songs.  (They only song the average, most casual fan might recognize is “Kraftwerk,” which went to #25 in 1975.)  Other than that, they seemed to be more of an acquired taste, but one of the early front-runners of progressive / synthetic rock … and a rare rock success from Germany.
(One of the guys I used to work with back in 1975 was a BIG Kraftwerk fan … and turned me on to their “Autobahn” album … which he played CONSTANTLY both at home and in his car if we were out “clubbing,” as we were prone to do at that time as disco was taking over more and more in what used to be rock clubs with live music.  He was convinced that they were going to be the next big thing.)
Millie Small, on the other hand, went all the way to #2 with “My Boy Lollipop” in 1964, during the peak of Beatlemania.  (In fact, she even appeared on The Beatles’ television special “Around The Beatles” later that same year!)  Rumors abounded for YEARS that that was Rod Stewart playing harmonica on her record … but it wasn’t true.)  Her follow-up hit, “Sweet William,” was her only other charted record in Billboard.  It peaked at #40 later that same year.  (Cash Box ranked it at #33.)  kk

Here's how we addressed this issue in 2011: 

’60’s FLASHBACK:   
>>>I heard one time that Millie Small's version of "My Boy Lollipop" features a very young Rod Stewart on the harmonica. Is this true?  (Ken)
>>>While that rumor circulated for many, many years ... and was even printed as "fact" in numerous publications ... it apparently was NOT true.  Interestingly enough, I did a quick search after I received your email.  ClassicBands.com still gives Rod Stewart credit (although Rod has reportedly stated on the record that he did NOT play harmonica on this track ... and also states that he never claimed he did.)  Meanwhile, both Pete Hogman and Jimmy Powell are credited on different websites as insisting that THEY played harmonica on the track ... and both artists have taken credit for doing so ... so perhaps we'll never know once and for all definitively who did ... other than it WASN'T Rod Stewart.  (kk)
The released 45 rpm version has Pete Hogman on harmonica. A backing track was issued on a Best Of Millie cd a few years ago with Jimmy Powell's original harmonica solo on it. Producer Chris Blackwell was unsatisfied with the first solo cut by Powell, a musician with Ernest Ranglin and His Orchestra (the group that performed the music track for My Boy Lollipop) so he brought in Pete Hogman, a local Jamaican musician, to redo the solo.
Tom Diehl
So there you have it!  (kk)

I really liked and appreciated Scott's list of Sequester Songs. Man, what I wouldn't give to hear these again on the radio. I'll probably come up with a title or two within the next few days if a song comes to my mind. 
I know of one person who would especially like to hear these again on the radio and that's the LONE ranger.

I don't recall seeing this song mentioned, or maybe it was ...
I guess it is because I'm too old (old-ness factor applies to both observations).
"Hello Walls"  Faron Young 
Mike Markesich
(currently working as an "essential employee" for the U.S. postal service)
This is one of the ones that made my initial list of 18 Tunes a few weeks ago … but I had forgotten all about it since then!  “Four Walls” would be another country cross over hit that fits … by Jim Reeves.  Thanks, Mike!  (kk)

>>>The song "Flowers On The Wall" is about a lonely, isolated man, deep in denial and teetering on the brink of madness.  It was relegated to the B-side of their first single.  But upon release, deejays began flipping the 45 over and the song became an unqualified smash.  (Scott Paton)
This info doesn't seem to comport with actual history. Columbia released two Statler Brothers singles prior to "Flowers On The Wall": "The Wreck Of The Old '97" / "Hammers And Nails" (Columbia 43069, June, 1964) and "Your Foolish Game" / "I Still Miss Someone" (Columbia 43146, October, 1964).
On the "Flowers On The Wall" 45 (b/w "Billy Christian"), "Flowers" had the lower matrix number, usually an indication of the intended A-side. Also, at the same time as the release of the stock copy, a promo copy was released with "Flowers" on both sides.
– Randy Price

Interesting to note, too, that Statler Brothers bass singer Harold Reid passed away just a couple of weeks ago (on April 25th).  According to Diane Diekman’s Country Music Newsletter, The Statler Brothers had a television show that aired for seven seasons on The Nashville Network (TNN) in the 1990s. They were inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2008.
After retiring in 2002, Harold Reid told the Staunton News Leader,"Some days, I sit on my beautiful front porch, here in Staunton, Virginia ... some days I literally have to pinch myself. Did that really happen to me, or did I just dream that?"

A more in-depth article … as well as a complete list of recent deaths can be found here:  https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/obituary/9365927/harold-reid-dies

>>>As much as I wish I could sit here and say, "Do we really need 75 days’ worth of Sequester Songs?," I think we ALL know that the reality of the matter will prove that this will likely only scratch the surface of our time confined.  Soon, the novelty of this type of programming will run thin and cease to be funny.   (kk)
Yeah, this virus crap is really doing bad stuff to our music.  I can't even wait until June 25th to dig into this great tune, even ‘tho THAT is when we will be faced with the trouble of its title. 
I Love this song… and wish it were June 25th already just to hope we are done with the pandemic by then!  I'm sure Teddy and the Pandas want it over, too, being from Massachusetts.
"68 days till September"!!!!
Clark Besch

I don’t really know this one (but I think Dave The Rave is a big Teddy and the Pandas fan.)
As I understand it, they have a small cult following.  They had two records “bubble under” in Billboard in 1966 but never made their Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart … and this wasn’t one of them!  “Once Upon A Time” is the one I remember featuring before … it peaked at #134 in Billboard (and #130 in Cash Box).  The follow up, “We Can’t Go On This Way,” snuck in at #99 in Cash Box … but only made it to #103 on the Billboard Chart.  (BTW, for the record, there isn’t a DAY that goes by that I don’t mutter at least once or twice, “Damn, I wish this shit would be over!!!”)  kk

Methinks our own “Can’t You See Me Cry” would be a solid match for your Sequestered Songs List, Kent.  And, with the Showcase ’68 YouTube video still up there despite others having been forced down, there is this ready-made video link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2NbmFcEB90
Final note is to attach the acoustic version Bruce and I did back in 2007, which I may have already shared with you but do not believe anybody has posted it to YouTube.
P.S.  Cornerstones at the Arcada is now bumped out to 9-13 and our own Morton Grove NC6 gig with the American Legion is tentatively set to occur on either 8-21 (more likely) or 8-28 (less likely last I heard) … it’s the third date for that one so far!
We’ve featured the acoustic version of “Can’t You See Me Cry” a few times now in FH … I quite enjoy it … but here it is again for those who may of missed it. (Besides, I can’t seem to go an issue lately without running at least SOMETHING New Colony Six-related!!!  Lol)  kk

Hi Kent ...
Regarding Pandemic Songs ... "What songs would YOU guys add to the list?"…
I would add "We Got To Get Out of this Place" by the Animals and "She's Gone" Hall and Oates.  Great idea for a list, by the way.

Hi Kent,
You and Scott Paton made my day with the feature in Forgotten Hits on Sequestered Songs.  The articles on the three featured songs were superlative!  The other day my wife mentioned that Harold Reid of the Statler Brothers had passed away and I immediately thought of their left-field hit "Flowers On The Wall" that was an eclectic classic!  "Flowers On The Wall" really stood out on the air because it was so different from everything that surrounded it on Top-40 Radio.  When I think of that song, I think of comedian George Goebel's line:  "Do you ever get the feeling that all the world is a tuxedo, and you are a pair of brown shoes?"  Though "Flowers" certainly belonged with the tuxedos, it stood out on it's own -- what a GREAT song!  Coincidentally, "The Boxer" is another of my all-time favorites. 
Being a fan of Rock and Roll history, I could read Forgotten Hits non-stop and also evidently Scott Paton song stories.  The more you read, the more you find out how interconnected the people are in the world of music.  One minute you are reading about an artist in Forgotten Hits and the next minute you are firing up a video or researching an artist or a song.  Then out of nowhere you come across a fact like Linda Scott, who had a hit in 1961 with "I've Told Every Little Star," turned out to have sung back-up on Lou Christie's hit "I'm Gonna Make You Mine." 
Or you may run across the fact that Larry Henley, who sang falsetto-lead with the Newbeats and their hits such as "Bread And Butter" and "Run Baby Run," also has written some other big hits, "Wind Beneath My Wings" among them … a song that by 2004 had already received over 6,000,000 air-plays on the radio.  And, if that doesn't fatten the bottom line on your checking account nothing will. 
The Newbeats toured New Zealand with the Rolling Stones and Roy Orbison in 1965 after which Larry Henley became a lifelong friend of Mr. Orbison.  Coincidentally, the Newbeats hit-song "Bread And Butter" got to the Number Two position on the Billboard Top 100, with the Number One position at the time being held by Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman."
Rock & Roll has more connections that Ancestry.com!  
While I'm at it, another couple of gentlemen who are walking encyclopedias when it comes to Rock & Roll history are Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings. 
As you know, Randy Bachman has a show on Sirius-XM and the CBC called Vinyl Tap featuring countless, interesting R&R stories.  And, if you read Burton Cummings' Facebook Posts you can also get a crash course in R&R Fun Facts!
Again Kent, thanks for the endless entertainment in Forgotten hits.  I can certainly understand why your publication has more readers than ever and continues to grow year after year! 
On a footnote, after reading Bill Medley's note in Forgotten Hits recently, I went on to view some videos of the Righteous Brothers' appearances on Shindig.  Though the Righteous Brothers'"You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" still has retained the most airplay of any song on the radio, at the peak of their popularity, the Righteous Brothers were vastly under-rated.  And, only with time was their talent fully appreciated and recognized.  These cats could sing like no other Blue-Eyed Soul Brothers.  And, I mean these cats could SING!
Tim Kiley

Hi Kent,
Thanks for posting my quarantine distraction … it's good to know that a few more people may be reading some of my posts.  I guess these are my own version of the online concerts that so many recording artists are doing these days.  All this is born, I guess, out of a need to connect with others.
Thanks to some of the other suggestions on FH the other day, I feel that I now have a solid 75 songs that somehow tie in to our current situation.  All are in good taste -- no "doctor" or "fever" songs -- and no humor in this decidedly grim time.  These are all just great songs and, hopefully, I am providing back stories that help make the corresponding listening/viewing on YouTube a little more compelling.
Now more than ever, I know we all appreciate your providing this forum for those of us united in our passion for music.  I wish you and everybody out there a safe and sane harbor until we emerge from this surreal time.

My pleasure.  We got some great response to your “Sequestered Songs” List we ran the other day … and it looks like quite a few folks out there checked out some of your previous Facebook posts, too!  (kk)

I should tell all the folks out there that Scott has had some DREAM jobs over the years … check out his resume …

Hi Kent,
I was with AT40 from Fall 1976 through Spring 1979.
Fall '79 - Winter '80 - wrote radio specials for Dick Clark Productions.
Winter '80 - Fall '82 - wrote, produced and hosted shows for ABC, CBS, RKO and syndication
Spring '83 - Winter '92 - wrote & produced a country show for Mutual Broadcasting/Westwood One and wrote AC and Top 40 shows for CBS.
2009 - wrote & produced a series of documentaries for Universal Music celebrating Motown's 50th Anniversary.  Co-hosted with Smokey Robinson what was essentially an update of "The Motown Story."  Also co-hosted another special with former Supreme, Mary Wilson.
Those are the big ones, Kent.  Lots of freelance writing to this day (Goldmine, Shindig!, MOJO).
I have lots of tapes buried in boxes; many interviews were lost when I was employed by others or when I suffered a couple of catastrophic basement floods.  But hundreds survive, and I have many transcripts that were done at the time of the interviews.  You take it all for granted at the time, but now that so many artists are leaving us, I realize that I was witness to and engaged in a remarkable period of music history.  Because my interests were rooted in the '50s and '60s music scene, my years in the biz seemed so matter of fact at the time.  But boy, I was so fortunate to have had the experiences I did.
I will always be flattered and happy to contribute to FH!
We are looking forward to being able to share some of those interviews with our readers moving forward.  (To think that you might consider Forgotten Hits worthy enough to devote some time to … and even include us in the same UNIVERSE with some of these other productions you’ve been involved with … absolutely blows me away!)  Thanks so much, Scott … looking forward to it!  (kk)

See what I mean ...

Hi, Kent -
Lots of great info on Sunday.

Had a real treat on ME-TV FM yesterday - something I didn't expect to hear there  - a Break-In record, "The Flying Saucer," by Buchanan & Goodman, before they split up. I had just about every 45 by them and also by Dickie Goodman as a solo.
I especially liked the info regarding Chris Wolski.  Glad to hear he was still musically-involved after the NC6 thing in the 60s.  I hardly recognized him in the pictures, but again, I met him briefly, over 52 years ago.
In regards the picture of the group on the "Breakthrough" LP:  just a guess, but I think it looks like the winding staircase in the OLD Chicago Public Library building on Michigan Avenue at Randolph Street.
Here are a few more musically-related street names. Got more searching to do.  The Beatle streets are near Madison, WI.

LOL … I love the Stayin’ Aligned sign … very clever!  (kk)

Kent –
Just a little more trivial detail about the Chris Wolski era of the New Colony Six. 
He didn’t actually have an “accordion” – I believe it was a “Chord-o-Vox,” an early forerunner of the electric piano and electric organs that soon followed.  I seem to recall that when Gary Lewis and the Playboys started, they also had one of these.
I believe the Chord-o-Vox was a tube type “synthesizer” about the size of two Fender Dual Showman amps.  Sounded great, but IT WAS STILL AN ACCORDIAN!  Not cool!
On the other hand, my recollection is that Craig / Greg had a full-size, wooden Thomas Organ with a full size, wooden Leslie Speaker.  Try lugging that around!  But it looked cool, Greg was an amazing keyboard artist, and when he got his Farfisa, all was right with the world of the New Colony Six. 
As for the Breakthrough album cover photograph … library?  Not even close.
My recollection is that it’s the same building where the “window” shot of the NC6 was taken.  It was a building kinda/sorta in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, kinda/sorta near the Playboy Mansion.  It was being torn down, and our photographer thought it would be great for some shots.  Artsy stuff.  It was a freezing cold and windy day down by the lakefront.  Ray was cautious (scared) for the window shot – he didn’t like being up there.
That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
Walter T Kemp
So cool!  Thanks, Walt!  (Can you believe all this recent attention to The New Colony Six???  I LOVE It!!!  (kk)

From Ray Graffia, Jr., on the same topic …

WTK is right on the money according to what comes to mind here, Kent!  I thought it was as close as across the street from The Playboy Mansion.  Also true is my fear of heights leading to me being as far away from the ledge as possible.  I seem to recall that the photographer was a guy who did stuff for Playboy, too, and famous for his photography, again if memory serves … but I cannot recall his name. 
My next target for that answer would be Pete Wright, presuming he remains among the living.  Howard Bedno, the other half of NC6’s management “in the day,” passed away years ago but I never heard that Pete had met his maker, so maybe he could shed more light --- IF he’d make the time to answer and has a better memory than Walt or me.    
P.S.  I found one other pic from that shoot and attached it, plus a shot of Mr. Kemp and one of myself – I have the rest of the guys too – but do not remember when or where these were taken or by whom but clearly same timeframe!
P.P.S  I spent some time this morning watching those videos posted and Chris Wolski sounds as though he could also have held up his end had his folks NOT forbidden him joining the band. 
God, you guys look SO young in these pictures!!!
I know Pete was still around when I did the original New Colony Six series back in 2005 … and that Ronnie was still in touch with him … but that was 15 years ago already, so who really knows anymore at this point.  (I’ll always regret never getting the chance to talk to your dad about what it was like setting up the record company way back when.  What a BOLD and adventurous move!!!)  kk

kk …
Here’s a brand new release from my High School Mate, Brian Hyland
Damn!  Soundin’ good, Brian!  Thanks for sharing!  (kk)

Just got through reading the comment from one Johnny Holliday. I will assume that he is one and the same who was featured on the 1964 Cruisin' Album at radio station WHK Cleveland.
As for songs (records) that tells of one's location or intersections, I always did like Hank Snow's version of I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE better than Johnny Cash's. 
One of the first intersections in a song that came to my mind first was Ricky Nelson's 1957 WAITIN' IN SCHOOL. The drugstore in question that had the jukebox was located at the corner of Lincoln and 46th.
Yes, he is one and the same … and a Forgotten Hits Reader for many years now.
That Ricky Nelson tune is a GREAT suggestion … anybody got access to the street signs at the corner of Lincoln and 45th???  (kk)

And then (after our 50 year anniversary WCFL Chart went up on Monday) …

You asked if anyone remembered the song FRIENDS by the group Feather at the bottom of WCFL's survey.
Here in OKC it made its initial appearance for the week of May 14, 1970, at the bottom of the survey, also in a HIT BOUND position.
For the week of June 11, 1970, it peaked at song position #23.
The other record by Faith, Hope and Charity did not chart here in OKC.
I always did like the song FRIENDS.
Speaking of the group Faith, Hope and Charity, I remember the song better than the group; that recorded by Don Cornell in 1956.
Larry Neal

>>>TEST OF THE DAY:  Does ANYBODY out there remember EITHER of this week's Hit Bound Picks???  Boy, I sure don't!  "So Much Love" by Faith, Hope and Charity and "Friends" by Feather are both songs I have absolutely no recollection of. (kk)
???? SAY WHAT ????
But since I never knew them, I will also never forget them.
Shelley J Sweet-Tufano

I loved "Friends" by Feather the first time I heard it in 1970.  I felt it had a poor man's CSN style to it that even. ‘tho not in the latter's category, was a good second style.  Soon, along would come the similar thoughts for Redeye's "Games" with both doing pretty well on the charts.  Of course, they ALL (including CSN) follow in the footsteps of the Hollies, IMO.
Clark Besch

Hi Kent: 
Both of this week’s Hit Bound songs were played up here in Milwaukee and charted.
I remember “So Much Love” quite a bit … it got to #13 on WRIT. 
“Friends” got to #28, but I don’t remember it that much.
The one of that WCFL survey that I have no memory of is the version of “Easy To Be Free” by Happy Day or whatever. Can’t remember it at all. 
Stay Safe.
Ken Freck
Nor do I, Ken … and it didn’t chart at ALL nationally … so not quite sure what the story is behind that one.  And I can’t find a listing for it ANYWHERE!!!  Anybody out there know?  Fill us in!  (kk)

How Cher is combating the CoronaVirus … a Billboard Exclusive …

Ultimate Classic Rock is suggesting THIS seating chart for concerts after the all-clear is given after the CornoaVirus.
I just can’t see it … I mean really, what would be the point?  NOBODY could make any money doing this … venues putting on shows with theaters 80% empty?  They’d have to triple the price of the tickets to even have a shot of breaking even … and the artists would have to book themselves there for a week in order to make it worth their while.
There just HAS to be a better solution than this!!!  (kk)

And maybe Christopher Lloyd was right ...





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