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Tuesday This And That

After 2 1/2 years of badgering ... (OK, well maybe not badgering ... but you get the idea) ... Me-TV-FM is FINALLY going to run our A Sides / B Sides / Catch You On The Flipside Weekend!
It all kicks off THIS FRIDAY NIGHT at 7 pm and runs straight thru Sunday Night ... some of the biggest two-sided hits of The Rock Era along with some of your Favorite, Forgotten B-Sides.  (This one's been a long time comin'!!!)
You can LISTEN LIVE here thru the Milwaukee feed ...
And check out The Top Biggest Two-Sided Hits of All-Time here:  http://forgottenhits.com/the_top_200_two-sided_hits_of_all-time
Along with your Top 200 Favorite Forgotten B-Sides here:

We've got the word ... and we ALL know that GREASE is the word ... that John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John will be reuniting for three VERY special appearances in Florida this December for the "Meet 'n' Grease" movie sing-alongs!  December 13th in West Palm Beach; December 14th in Tampa; and December 15th in Jacksonville!
Dress up, sing along with the film and join Olivia and John for a special Q&A after.
Tickets go on sale THIS FRIDAY thru Ticketmaster at 10 am.
(If any of our readers are able to catch one of these screenings, we would LOVE to hear from you!  We saw Olivia Newton-John a couple of years ago and she sounded AMAZING!!!  In fact, we named HERS as our Concert Of The Year that year!
I'm REALLY curious to hear how John Travolta sounds after all this time!)
More info here:  https://www.ticketmaster.com/grease-sing-a-long-tickets/artist/1497874

I keep reading the comments about the charts.  The ones you are posting now on the weekend are some that were popular when I was in Jr. High.    
Keep up the great work.  I'm enjoying every minute of it!
Don't miss our 50 Year Flashback ... EVERY Sunday on The Forgotten Hits Website ... we look back at the WLS Hit Parade for this date in 1969 ... and NEXT year we'll be doing it all again ... with the WCFL charts this time (thanks to Jack Levin ... although we MAY go back to The Saturday Survey and resurrect The Sunday Comments ... I just haven't quite decided yet!)  kk

Read this in the New York Post --
52 years after a plane carrying Lynyrd Skynyrd to a show crashed in a Mississippi swamp, a monument to honor the band members & their crew who died will be unveiled near the spot in Gillsburg. 
The official unveiling is October 20th at 3 p.m., about 400 yards from the crash site. 
On the night of the 1977 crash, the band's plane left Greenville , SC, and was headed to Baton Rouge, La., when it fell from the sky with 26 people on board, killing 6, including lead singer Ronnie Van Zant.  [AP] 
I remember it well ... and the band had just released a brand new album whose front cover depicted them surrounded by flames.  The LP was quickly recalled and reissued with something far less offensive and controversial.  The original became an instant collectors' item ... although it has since been reissued any number of times.
In case anyone out there is curious, Lynyrd Skynyrd placed ELEVEN songs in our TOP 3333 MOST ESSENTIAL CLASSIC ROCK SONGS Countdown.  (Betcha all can guess which two made The Top 20!!!)  kk 

Hope you are having a great weekend. Just saw a national commercial on television for the first time. Don't really know how long it's been running but again, I just saw it for the first time. It was for Expedia with the background music being Clarence "Frogman" Henry's 1961 hit (I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOVE YOU) BUT I DO.  Speaking of the Frogman, as far as I know, he is still alive.
Emitt Rhodes' latest LP "Rainbow Ends" is all downer songs, fer sure, BUT really GOOD songs at same time.  Emitt's 1970's and Merry-Go-Round 60's songs are mostly really good songs.  He actually gets lots of good press these days, so I cannot say that he is underappreciated for his music ... just not big selling.  
If you grew up with the songs, it makes a big difference.  He was a Beatles reunion, all in one album in late 70's.  It was like, "OK, this will be great while the fabs reunite soon."  Never happened and Emitt's followup career didn't either.  STILL, a great artist overall.  Wish HE could be in Hall of Fame, but no chance.  The fact that there are about 15 CDs available out there of his small amount of output is a tribute in itself.  IF anyone still had interest, his 45 stereo DJ mixes are mostly still unreleased.
Clark Besch
I discovered him when his 1970 solo album started airing on commercials on WLS and WCFL ... just HAD to run out and buy it ... and loved every minute of it.  (I'll still throw it in the car every now and then as it always makes me feel good.)  I then investigated his older material (Merry-Go-Round and the solo LP that A&M put out to cash in on his newfound success with Dunhill, and found that I liked most of THAT stuff, too.  "Mirror" was ok ... but didn't measure up to the greatness of his self-titled LP from two years before.  By the time "Farewell To Paradise" arrived, I found little that he was recording that held my interest anymore.  (That was a tough LP to find even back then!)
Still, I have to rate his complete body of work as pretty exceptional ... guess I'm just part of that "cult following" that has kept his name in the news. Still hoping now that he's dusted off his chops, he may do another LP sooner rather than later ... even teaming up with somebody to give it more of a "band" sound.  (Rumors of live shows never seemed to materialize either.)  kk 

We heard from several people passing along birthday wishes to this broadcasting legend ...

Remember Clark — old is the new young!
And if you didn’t know how old you were, what would you think your age was?  In your case, I’m sure it’s around 19 ... so keep thinking that way and you’ll stay young forever! Happy and healthy best to you always. 
Bob Sirott

That’s Great, Clark!  You’ve set a goal for me! 
(I told my wife to remember this in case I forget when I get there!)
Happy Birthday, Big 89 ‘LS Friend!
Chuck Buell 

Congratulations, Clark ...
I said Congratulations, Clark!
Sorry that I had to shout ... I know how it, is getting older and after listening to my whining drill for 51 years.  
You are the quintessential teenager and I pray that keeps you going for many more years. 
Ken Pittner

Where did all these old names come from? 
A bunch of lucky people who had the privilege of working in Chicago at a great time to be in radio ... and we are all still alive and kickin'. 
Think it was because of the saint-hood lives we lived in that era? 
Great to hear from you, Clark, and all.  
Lee Davis

Clark Weber actually BECOMES the Big "89" today!!! 
This guy we all knew as "Chrome Dome" OR "Emporer Weber," spouting his fake moola all over Chicagoland, is an icon of AM top 40 radio, but also of all types of radio.  STILL, most of us will remember Clark in this great time of duel (below) in the mid-60's between WLS morning man Clark and evening man Ron Riley. 

Clark with his DC5 following while Riley took the Beatles.  Riley wins that one.

How many visited the WLS studios or sock hops featuring Clark Weber?  How many listened to him in the decades to come?
Below, honored in his 25th broadcasting year of 1986.
Weber and company controlled the Chicago top 40 airwaves from 1960 thru 1965, with a fight brewing then between them and WCFL, ultimately won by WLS in the mid-1970's.  If a station could have half of such 1964 (below) ratings today, it would be amazing.
As in the below ad from 1982, Clark made many folks'"days" throughout the decades.
The thing is, Clark Weber STILL makes our days on Forgotten Hits and emails to friends country wide.  He has been a great friend to most who will read this today and will likely for a long time.  
My (and OUR) best to you Clark, for a great airwaves ride AND for advice and friendship to all who DID and DID NOT ever meet you.  You are STILL our great friend and now, "the ORIGINAL souvenir weekend" begins with the "BIG 89" birthday boy!  I gotta race home to hear the new Silver Dollar Survey, of which Clark counted down many days in the 60's.  You are still the Emperor to us all!  
Clark Besch

Happy birthday. 
Every year my VA doctor asks me what I want for my birthday. "One more year." It has become a standing joke for years. Will see her Monday. Tuesday is my wife's birthday and for one week, as it happens every year, my wife and I will be the same age. Then I will be married to a younger woman again.
Our meeting with you and Joan is still talked about now two years in the past. To get an e-mail from a Chicago area friend or relative telling me my sister and her husband were talking about that visit at some social event is evident of the impact on life. The impact you guys had on us, still have on us, is amazing.
Clark and Crew,
WLS was on buttons 1, 3, and 5 with WCFL on 2 & 5 in my car. From a listener standpoint, I think everyone in the world knew you guys were friends. To have that much "static" in your conversation and that much laugh in your voice and tone takes a friend, not an enemy. With hormones raging, there was a need for a neutral conversation subject and it was often the playlist, the top 40, the latest hit, or what was the DJ was saying on the favored radio station. You needed to listen to what your friends who listened to Brand X (WCFL in my case) because if SHE started talking about something on Brand X, you needed to be able to maintain the conversation. To maintain a conversation with the opposite sex and not embarrass yourself at that point in life was tough.
The audio file from Clark's book still puts my life in pause when it comes on. I look at today's kids and think they are really missing something in their lives when I listen to their radio, music, and DJ choices. I have digitized all of my records, cassette tapes, and 8-tracks and probably 5+ days of the 9+ days of music on my iPod were recorded before 1980.
Love is All Around by the Troggs has to be one of the most beautiful songs every recorded. Where would music be if Karen Carpenter had not lived for her few years? So many songs and so many artists with messages of life and love.
Rex Schildhouse

Hearing that jingle is so comforting with a lot of great memories. You and WLS were a big part of The Buckinghams' success at the beginning because of all your support. 89 is just a number my friend. May you continue on for many years! 
On behalf of The Buckinghams, God Bless and Happy Birthday! 
Carl Giammarese
The Buckinghams

He’s a renaissance man for sure!
And to Clark Weber, I just recently received your book and cd from Dave McGrathand am really enjoying it!  You were one of the best as I was training to be a rock & roll fanatic. Shine on! 
Jim Peterik of the Ides of March.

Here’s a kudo from your ”Favorite” on air target, Ron Riley -
You and I have retained a great relationship which began at 'LS in 1963 and who of us ever thought we’d be talking about that short sliver of our lifetime decades later! 
“Down with Baldylocks Weber" ... “Riley, jump out the window” ... “Winkie the Weather Bunny“ ... ”Bruce Lovely” ...
Do you think anyone listening wanted to believe that we were actually  friends?  
Probably not - they loved the feud - we were just having a wonderful time - surrounded by great radio guys and an outstanding Management Team who let us “do our thing” as the 60s saying went ... performing during the greatest period of radio rock!  WLS -AM Clear Channel— stretching from coast to coast after dark at what was becoming the end of an era. The Big 89 and presenting absolutely the most fantastic music which has managed to sustain itself years later ... and it included many memorable Chicago groups like the Buckinghams, New Colony 6, Gary and the   Nightlites, the Cryan' shames and others that we worked with - and the wild listeners and attendees at our hops and the big stage shows like The Beatles we MC’d at SOX Park.  (I can still hear the hair raising roar of the crowd, can’t you?) Memories -  
Clark, my brother, we were so lucky to have been invited to the party!
Happy Birthday, pal - stay well. 

Nice recap with interesting figures.
I really like Pat Benatar ... Thin Lizzy had one great hit ... Todd has always been fun ... and the Doobies were rock and roll but are the others? 
Kraftwerk created a style that lingers today so I suppose, like Grandmaster Flash, they should get in. I’ve said this for the last few years - I’m too old to relate. 
Where are Paul Revere and the Raiders? They were rock for sure. Hits just keep getting harder to find!
Sorry for the mini rant!
Danny Guilfoyle
Some interesting statistics here as far as airplay goes ... all (as the article indicates) probably inflated slightly due to the nomination announcement.  (Still, it's kinda scary to think that even with a boost, artists like Kraftwerk and MC5 each only got less than TEN spins all week long ... makes you wonder what they're even doing on the list!)
[Actually, as I type this, neither one is faring especially well in the fan vote either ... as I type this both artists have well under 50,000 votes each ... while leaders like Pat Benatar and the Doobie Brothers are both already WELL over a million.  In fact, Soundgarden, Depeche Mode and Judas Priest have already passed a million votes, too ... while Whitney Houston and The Dave Matthews Band are quickly closing in.]
You can keep track daily (in fact, they're doing live updates every minute!!!) here:

Three Dog Night indeed needs RNR Hall induction. I don't even know 1/4 of this year's inductee nominees.  
I like YOUR thoughts mostly except I'm not sure BTO should go.  Their songs are MOSTLY same song over and over ... two great ones and lots of retreads.
Clark Besch

FH Reader Tom Cuddy sent us this update on Saturday ...

Hit Her with Your Best Shot: Pat Benatar Leads the Public Vote for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction
Honestly, Pat Benatar and The Doobies are SO long overdue for this honor, it's great to see that the fans are FINALLY having their say.  (Now if they'd let the fans in on the NOMINATING process, maybe we could actually FIX things here and get The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame standing upright again!)  kk 

Clive Davis makes his case for Whitney Houston's right to belong in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame here:


Of the 16 nominees listed on the ballot for The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, this year I'd circle none of the above.  And I'd do it next year and each succeeding year until many of your artists whom you've mentioned, get in. 
Rather than make a case for each, I will just state whom I think should be there. 
In no particular order:
Chubby Checker
The Monkees
The Guess Who
Pat Boone
Connie Francis
Paul Revere & the Raiders
Grass Roots
Three Dog Night
The Raspberries
Canned Heat
Lovin' Spoonful
George Thorogood
Steve Winwood
Leon Russell
The Stray Cats
Dave Edmunds
The Turtles
Grand Funk
J. Geils Band
Glen Campbell 
Tommy James & the Shondells
Neil Sedaka
Herman's Hermits
There's also a few non-performers who need to be there as well, but that's a story for another time.
Jack Levin
Technically, Leon Russell was inducted in 2011 (with a WHOLE lot of urging from Elton John) as an award for "Musical Excellence" ... whatever that means.  As far as I know, that particular honor has never been awarded before or since!
But a definite yes to all the others on your list ... ALL of these artists have made our Deserving and Denied List over the past twelve years.  (I'd quickly add Paul Anka, too ... both as an artist, performer and songwriter.  Buddy Holly was recording Anka's music, for Christ's sake, back in the '50's!!!  And look at the wealth of material he's produced since.)  kk

Hi Kent,
I hope all is good. I’ve been following all your postings, especially the “Top 3333 Most Essential Classic Rock Songs of All Time.” 
Wow!  After 1,000,000 votes, it’s an honor to have all our songs make the list. It is really something to be proud of! 
It was a crazy summer!  As you know, The Buckinghams were part of the 2019 Happy Together Tour ... 53 shows spanning all of June, July and August. September was busy, too, so its nice to have a break in October.
As I say every night at the end of our show, “We are grateful to all our fans who continue to come out and support us.” 
Now this ... so glad we are in there. 
Thank you to everyone who voted for the Buckinghams’ songs, making us a part of this prestigious list of songs!    
By the way, The Buckinghams were just inducted into the "Iowa Rock N Roll Hall of Fame.” It may not be THE Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, but it was a great honor just the same. The Buckinghams were the only out of state band inducted. 
The great state of Iowa has always been important to our success as we have made so many fans and friends through the years. The Buckinghams performed in the Events Center at Catfish Bend Casino September 29th and before the concert, I gave an acceptance speech on behalf of all the original Buckinghams including Dennis Tufano, John Poulos, Marty Grebb and Dennis Miccolis. The Iowa Rock N Roll Association presented a plaque for each of us.  
You'll find all of this posted on Facebook along with some photos.  (Here are a few to share with your many readers, including one of Nick and I with Connie Valens, Richie Valens' sister.)
On behalf of the Buckinghams, we are honored and grateful to the Iowa Rock & Roll Music Association for inducting us into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! Many thanks to Diane Sanders for all her hard work, and the Association President, Ralph Kluseman and our dear friend Greg Miksich, who first contacted us. 
As we said in our acceptance speech, "The great state of Iowa has been a big part of our success since The Buckinghams' beginnings in 1965.  We have made so many fans and friends through the years!  Once again, thank you for this great honor!"
Carl Giamarese
The Buckinghams 

Here are some upcoming dates posted on our schedule
January 18 - 210 Club - Highwood, IL
March 6 -  Genesee Theatre with America
March 14 - NYBC Theatre, Westbury, NY with Tommy James
March 28 - April 4 - The Flower Power Cruise
April 17 - Golden Nugget Casino, Las Vegas
May 2 - Arcada Theatre, Cornerstones
May 3 - American Music Theatre, Lancaster, PA with Peter Noone 
August 8 - Genesee Theatre, Happy Together Tour
August 28 - Happy Together Tour, Denver, CO
August 29 - Happy Together Tour, Grand Junction, CO
September 19 - T. Furth Center for the Performing Arts, Angola, IN
October 9 - Golden Nugget Casino, Las Vegas
November 28 - Arcada Theatre,  Cornerstones
Also, The Buckinghams are playing a Christmas Concert on December 14th, 2019, at the Kresge Auditorium, 700 West North Street, Bradley, IL.   Hope you can make it.

While I disagree with some of the selections as being classic rock (i.e. they're simply not rock songs, classic, or otherwise) ... and part of that is that I'm more of a purist ... in general, I must commend my fellow FH readers on including a lot of songs that I wouldn't think had a chance in hell of making the list. 
As you mentioned, the lists are generally getting stronger. When you see The Twist not even making the top 3000, you do wonder what's ahead. 
In fairness, you can't play judge & jury. If the readers think Cheech & Chong should be there, then so be it. If you start editing, it defeats the whole concept of your list. 
The feedback I've gotten, from some of my music friends, has been fantastic. It's too bad some of them have grown leery of such lists and didn't want to participate. It's their loss. 
Jack Levin
I'm enjoying watching the countdown ... when tabulating all the votes, you see who the big winners are ... but when you actually see them displayed in this fashion, it really gives you some insight as to what the classic rock fans really like.  (I thought Friday's list, #2750 - #2701, was especially strong ... and think about how far away some of those tracks are from the top!)  
This just continues to prove how many GREAT songs radio is ignoring.  Things could be SO much more interesting and enjoyable if Classic Rock Radio broadened their horizons a little bit ... even if only for the occasional spin or special themed weekends or programming.  There is a wealth of GREAT material out there for the picking.  Here's hoping our list will open a few eyes and ears to the potential that's out there if you just step a few inches outside the box!  (kk) 

Have you checked the latest countdown?  Tomorrow we'll already be breaking into The Top 2500!
New "reveals" are posted daily right here:

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