The Top 3333 Most Essential Classic Rock Songs Of All Time:
Today’s the day! FINALLY (after MONTHS of tabulating) the results are going to be revealed.
It all starts this morning on the Classic Rock Essentials Website.
We’ll be counting down all 3333 tracks in order every day … from now until it’s done.
Be sure to bookmark this page so that you don’t miss any of the daily reveals! (kk)
When I first read about you doing this project, I was thinking it would take MONTHS to calculate and tabulate once the voting was finished. I can't imagine a larger labor of love than what your proposal entailed. I also can't imagine anyone being so caddish as to expect you to have this done in an instant. You work, I'm retired, and I don't that think if I had twice the ambition which you do, I could get it done in a short order. You have NOTHING to apologize for. I'm willing to believe that close to 100% of the voters would agree. These large corporate stations put out lists of 500 songs, which it takes them months to prepare and, I believe, mostly without input from the listeners. You are compiling, from an original list down to almost seven times that number, by yourself, and with a lot of your own ethical feelings involved. You've stated that you want it correct … power be with you. Once again, I'm stupefied at the immensity of this project … truly a Labor of Love. When you are ready, we will be ready.
I’m not sure I’m “ready” … I’ll be chasing this thing every step of the way to get it posted … but I can’t delay it any longer or people will forget about it and lose interest. The list is done … now I’ve just got to figure out a way to get it up on the site on a daily basis. Thanks, Scott! (kk)
One of the first things that stands out is the admission that some songs that the voters wanted, such as Runaway, have been omitted due to the necessity of trying to satisfy or appeal to other factors. Automatically, the process and integrity of the voters has been compromised and tainted. After all your time and work, as well as the buy in from participants, that is sad to know.
Ron Lange
I would not … and COULD not … publish a list that I didn’t believe in. I prefer to think that some of the voters misunderstood the concept and were nominating and voting for their personal favorites songs, period, and not specifically associating those songs with the Classic Rock format. As such, I believe it was my duty as the moderator to step in and keep the final list on point. (As it is, you’ll still find a few head-scratchers on the list … songs you’ve likely never heard played on a classic rock radio station before … which was ALSO part of our purpose … to ask classic rock radio to take the blinders off while reviewing this list and evaluate what the true classic rock music fans want to hear … push the envelope a little bit … step outside the box … and any other cliché you care to add here.
That being said, “Runaway” isn’t a song that would typically be heard on Classic Rock Radio either (short of maybe Bob Stroud’s Rock And Roll Roots Program.) Yes, it’s a great song … and deserves to be part of and rank high on any ‘60’s Favorites or Greatest Pop Hits (or even Rock And Roll List) that anyone cares to compile … but it’s NOT Classic Rock … it doesn’t fit the formula.
As to me eliminating it, let’s keep one very important fact in mind … NOBODY … and I mean NOBODY (including you) ever thought to nominate it. It was only added because after you mentioned it as an oversight, mail started coming in saying that THEY would have voted for it, too, had it been on the list. But the plain and simple fact is, it was NEVER on the list. So while I feel bad that we got side-tracked by me ever mentioning it at all, I never truly believed in my heart that it belonged … any more than “Downtown” or “To Sir, With Love” or “1900 Yesterday.”
To me, I find FAR more credibility has been exercised by steering the list toward the true classic rock audience … and I stand by the final results, which could not have been achieved without the input from some 4700 voters and 1,000,000 votes cast. This is a list I believe in … and can be proud of. And I think as all of you out there watch it unfold, YOU will agree that it’s a pretty incredible list after all.
Yes, there are some surprises … as I said, some of the songs that these high-paid radio consultants consider to be “must plays” didn’t score as highly as one might expect, based on the amount of airplay they receive. Maybe listeners just need a break from them for awhile so they can learn to appreciate them again. Or maybe listeners want more variety so that they can hear some of their other long-time favorites being played again, too, along with this week’s overdose of AC/DC, Aerosmith, Queen, Tom Petty and Bon Jovi. For that reason alone, I am anxious to see what kind of comments come in … both from the fans and from the folks who have their hands in what gets played on the radio. While it may never be properly credited for doing so, I believe this list will ultimately improve what we hear on classic rock radio … it just won’t happen overnight. (kk)
The White Album Anniversary Tour:
I knew you would love the show!
It's a little similar to the Happy Together Tours but with a really cool theme. You will be amazed at Christopher Cross's voice.
This was my week of concerts … The Who on Sunday, It Was 50 Years Ago Today on Tuesday, Phil Collins on Thursday and Deep Purple last night. All this and working all day. I know a little of how you feel.
Rich Turner,
Palm Harbor, FL
I saw your post and I have to disagree about Todd’s two solo hit performances … but I’m a HUGE fan and have seen him probably twenty times, starting in the late ‘70’s. I think he stole the show.
Joey was a waste … maybe they need to get some other person … how about Ringo?
I thought Micky was OK, but in retrospect, it was kind of disappointing to see him doing that Neil Diamond thing of talk-singing.
Both Christopher and Jason were superb. Their rendition of “Julia” was unbelievable! And the background players and singers were top notch.
Sue and I both absolutely loved it.
Bob Burns
We were really looking forward to seeing Todd Rundgren more than any of the others simply because we had never seen him before. As such, I found it disappointing the way he ran thru his two biggest hits … it wasn’t even so much as going thru the motions or phoning it in, as not seeming to put any effort into performing them at all … which was the EXACT opposite of the amount of enthusiasm he put into his Beatles covers. Still, I found him to be very entertaining overall. I don’t know that I’m a big enough fan (or know enough of his material) to sit thru a whole show of Todd on his own, but in the context of something like this, I found it to be a mostly enjoyable experience.
Personally, for me, Christopher Cross stole the show … this was HIS night and he delivered EVERY song with a newfound love and commitment that we haven’t seen in any of the other shows in which we’ve seen him perform. (That being said, I STILL found it disappointing that he barely sang “Ride Like The Wind,” exercising such a low, monotone delivery … especially coming after the best number of the night, “Sailing.”) Based on the number of his lead vocals, I would have to see that Cross was the perceived “headliner” between all these acts. His light-hearted humor also helped keep the program interesting and entertaining. Amazing to think that while out on the road promoting the 50thYear Anniversary of The Beatles’ White Album (albeit nearly two years late), his OWN 40th Anniversary is coming up when Cross’ debut album gobbled up most of the Grammy Awards.
I like the underlying “six degrees of separation” thing going on between some of the headliners. Badfinger, of course, was the first (and most successful) group signed by The Beatles’ Apple Records label. Todd Rundgren produced a good chunk of Badfinger’s best album, “Straight Up.” (Todd also paid homage to The Fab Four on some of his solo recordings, such as “Faithful” readings of “Rain” and “Strawberry Fields Forever.” And, besides stealing The Beatles’ young, teenage audience after The Fab Four outgrew them, Micky Dolenz had the honor of being over there in Jolly Ol’ England when The Beatles were recording their “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” album. Jason Scheff and Christopher Cross? No connection that I’m aware of … but I still maintain that these two should team up for another series of shows together once this tour wraps up in December. They sound phenomenal together and really complement each other’s style. I would DEFINITELY go to see THAT concert! (kk)
I live within walking distance of the Arcada Theater, but I don't get a chance to see many of the shows. However, I made a special point to see the White Album Tribute there on Tuesday night. Kent, your quick review on Wednesday was spot on, so I won't rehash. I loved the show and you covered many of the highlights.
On the downside ... the day's high was 90 degrees (in October) and I had front row balcony seats. As usual, the theater was almost that hot during the show, which is normal on warm days for the Arcada. Little did I know when I bought tickets for this late in the year show that the temperature would be a problem. I do avoid the Arcada between May and September for that reason.
Todd Rundgren nailed it on "Helter Skelter" and many other songs, but his staging during the evening was somewhat off-putting for me. I don't know why it bothered me, but when he put down the guitar to sing, he seemed to walk back-and-forth across the front of the stage ad nauseam, almost like a robot ... although, I did enjoy his prancing around with a super-soaker squirt gun. In the evening's heat, I wish I had been closer to get squirted myself.
Meanwhile, I was pleasantly surprised by Christopher Cross. After I had read the review of the Florida show by Rich in Palm Harbor, I expected his personality to be as dull as watching canned goods rot, but I found the little bit of ad-libbed personality he exhibited (while sitting down) to be quite nice. Maybe it was because it was the opposite of Todd's staging.
Overall, an enjoyable evening.
JonM in Saint Charles
The Arcada CAN be ungodly hot from time to time … and it was for this show … making it quite uncomfortable and a bit more difficult to enjoy the whole live concert experience. (How hot was it??? Micky even took off his hat!!!)
First and foremost, I am always concerned about the performers, most of whom were in their 70’s that night. Performing a high-intensity show in that kind of heat can be dangerous for them health-wise. (The first time we ever went to The Arcada, we saw KC and the Sunshine Band. It had to be over 100 degrees in there that night … and KC kept having stagehands bring out bottles of water, which he would then shake up and spray the audience with. It was a welcome delight (and relief). One night we saw Johnny Rivers there and it was so terribly warm that he called from the stage “Hey Ron … I think it’s time to put another log on the air conditioner!”)
But it’s an old theater and, in the scheme of things, it would be a MAJOR expense to outfit the place with air conditioning for the 30-or-so nights a year when you really need it … so us diehard fans just sweat it out, enjoy the show and shower afterwards! (lol) kk
Great Review. I’m going to see it tomorrow night with Tom Cuddy … can’t wait!
David Salidor
You’ll have a blast. (kk)
Micky posted our review on his Facebook page the day that it ran … which garnered this response …
You guys hit it out of the park! So much talent on one stage! It was all that we could have hoped for and more! It was great to meet you guys … the best show ever! The entire Abbey Road as an encore??? We would have stayed all night!
Thanks to all … it was a night to remember.
Christy Thomas Eddy
Speaking of The Arcada Theatre, here are some brand new shows that have just been announced …
The Cornerstones Of Rock return again on Saturday, May 2nd! And Tommy James and the Shondells have already booked their annual show at The Arcada for next September 20th. Bobby Rydell returns on June 7th and April Wine will be there on May 15th.
And how about this one …
The Empty Hearts, featuring members of The Cars, Blondie and The Romantics, doing an all-hits show on February 13th! (That’s a whole lotta hits!)
Asia returns with A Flock Of Seagulls on April 3rd…
And The Bay City Rollers are back on Friday, March 13th. (We missed these guys last time around. This might be a fun show to see.)
Tickets for all shows (and dozens and dozens of others) are on sale now thru The Arcada online box office … (kk)
This is your LAST CHANCE to register for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see The Fab Four at The Arcada Theatre on Friday, November 1st. These guys are one of the premier Beatles tribute bands out there … we love ‘em … so why not come out and join us for an unforgettable concert experience.
Register now to win a pair of tickets by sending me an email at… we’ll be picking the winners by the end of the week. (A splendid time is guaranteed for all!) kk
We’ve also got a pair of tickets to see Booker T. Jones (of Booker T. and the MG’s fame) at The City Winery on Thursday, November 14th. And another pair of tickets to see The Ides Of March (with special guests Mark Farner of Grand Funk Railroad and American Idol Runner-Up Bo Bice) at The Genesee Theatre on Saturday, October 26th.
Same deal … shoot me an email NOW and we’ll throw your name in the hat … ALL winners will be notified this weekend … so register now to see one of these great shows! (kk)
In Other Oldies News:
Of course, the BIG story is the passing of Drummer Ginger Baker. Baker had been ill for quite some time (and, quite honestly, on and off for several years now.) His work with Cream and Blind Faith (which Baker maintained was jazz-oriented and influenced) is legendary. Both are considered two of the top Classic Rock Bands of all time. (You’ll find twenty songs between them on our Top 3333 Countdown, running now on the Classic Rock Essentials website.) kk
FH Reader Ken Voss sent us these links:
For those who want more on Ginger Baker, here's an excellent documentary link. Ginger Baker is well-known for his smashing work in Cream and Blind Faith. But the world's greatest (and most volatile) drummer didn't really hit his stride until 1972, when he journeyed to Nigeria and discovered the sounds of Fela Kuti's Afrobeat. Following various periods of drug-induced self-destruction and countless groundbreaking musical works, this flame-haired musical madman eventually settled in South Africa — where he currently resides with his much-younger bride and 39 polo ponies. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at SXSW, Jay Bulger's entertaining and acclaimed documentary also features rock superstars Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Johnny Rotten, Lars Ulrich, Carlos Santana, Stewart Copeland and many more. You've been warned: BEWARE OF MR. BAKER!
ALLAN CLARKE: Hollies Legend Records Solo Album
Allan Clarke has ended his retirement with a solo album.
20 years after stepping down from The Hollies, when he felt his voice had begun to fail, he's released "Journey of Regret" as the preview single from Resurgence.
Clarke says he began writing poems a couple of years ago, one of which was put to music by Los Angeles-based musician Carla Olson. That inspired Allan to do his own version.
In an interview posted to YouTube, he says "Journey of Regret" is a series of "situations in my own life ... I either did or didn't do. And each time that I didn't do that, there was regret in not doing them ... I've been on a journey of regrets in my life ... These are just a few of them."
From one song, the project grew to an entire album, which Allan recorded at home on his computer. "It's given me a new lease of life in doing something I thought I'd never do again.”
And, in other British Invasion news, Rolling Stone Magazine is reporting that Ray and Dave Davies of The Kinks are writing songs together again!
Ray told Rolling Stone: “Dave and I are having a collaboration on a few songs. I’ll be like, ‘Here is the chorus, you write verse two.’ I’m trying to keep the energy flowing, and I really want Dave involved creatively.” They’re even referring to the collaboration as “Project Kinks” and have already produced a series of new demos. (The Kinks have not released a new studio album since 1993.) Talks with original Kinks Drummer Mick Avory are also being bandied about. Could a brand new Kinks album be in the offering for 2020?
I recently heard that the last original member of The Lettermen has left the group after 60 years. His name would be Tony Butala and I haven’t seen any press on it, so I’m not sure of the reason, but I would guess that since he’ll be 81 next month, he decided to retire.
I understand he still owns the Lettermen trademark and that three singers will continue to tour under the Lettermen name in future years. Two of those three singers (Donovan Tea and Bobby Poynton) have been touring with Tony for years.
I know former Lettermen Gary Pike is a FH reader, so I thought you could check with him to confirm the details of this historic change for the band. Gary ’s brother, Jim, who sadly recently died, was a original member of the Lettermen as well.
In the album cover shot I have included, left to right, that’s Jim Pike, Tony Butala and Gary Pike.
-- Tom Cuddy
New York, NY
Can you imagine if they tapped Gary Pike to fill this sudden opening? Be a GREAT way to keep the legendary group alive! (kk)
Hi Kent,
We're very proud to be sharing the top ten with the greatest act ever in rock and roll.
Frank Jeckell
The 1910 Fruitgum Company
Look at the diversity on this list! Music has rarely been this fun since! Thanks, Frank! (kk)
By the way, Frank is now also performing as part of The Royal Teens. We posted a promo clip a few weeks ago showcasing his new gig … but now comes a link to the “new” Royal Teens website:
I am also currently performing with the Royal Teens along with original member Tom Austin on drums. Tom, along with Bob Gaudio, wrote Short Shorts and Believe Me, the two records that charted by the Royal Teens. Check out our new promotional video on our website.
Got this from a couple of readers last week …
How Quentin Tarantino got the '60s sound for 'Once Upon a Time' - Los Angeles Times - with Mark Lindsay
Stop the presses!!! This just in. Just saw, for the second time, a new commercial on television featuring Coors beer. However, the background tune was Chad and Jeremy's A SUMMER SONG. Love these new commercials airing during the football game, especially with background music that we are familiar with.
Larry Neal
I think I’ve seen this one, too. This music is such a big part of our lives … clearly it has affected the generations AFTER ours, too. Hopefully it will continue to do so. I have always said: A good song is a good song is a good song … and THIS is a good song! (kk)
Watch for this new book on the history of soul music in Chicago.
It looks like the updated sequel to the Robert Pruter books on Chicago Soul.
The hub is Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions (thus the book title, “Move On Up”), but it also expands to explore into the likes of Baby Huey and Minnie Riperton and how soul seeped into the rock circles, as well as exploring more of the socio-cultural contexts.
Ken Voss
>>>In 1969, Gainsbourg traveled to London with his much younger bride, Jane Birkin, to re-record the song at Fontana Records' Marble Arch studios. Upon the release of "Je T'aime ... Moi Non Plus" (translation "I Love You, Me Neither"), it
was immediately banned in most of Europe and by the BBC in the UK. (Mike Gentry)
I remember those days very well. The only station in the Chicago area (that I
can remember) who would play that song, and they did quite often, was WEXI,
92.7 in Arlington Heights (ex-WNWC). I think that tune was just a tad too much
for most pop stations' audiences.
Mike Wolstein
was immediately banned in most of Europe and by the BBC in the UK. (Mike Gentry)
I remember those days very well. The only station in the Chicago area (that I
can remember) who would play that song, and they did quite often, was WEXI,
92.7 in Arlington Heights (ex-WNWC). I think that tune was just a tad too much
for most pop stations' audiences.
Mike Wolstein
I remember hearing it a couple of times, too (although it might have been much later than 1969 … perhaps on one of Chicago’s early oldies radio stations.) As expected, it was a tad too “risqué” to chart on either of Chicago’s Top 40 Radio Stations. (kk)
It warms my heart when I notice high school students singing songs that are at least fifty years old! While calling the high school game of the week, I witnessed both student sections singing 'Sweet Caroline' at the top of their lungs. Later, 'Build Me Up Buttercup' was played and the kids were singing and dancing to that song much more than the parents and adult spectators. Journey’s 'Any Way You Want It' was one of the songs played during the teams warm up time and 'Takin' Care Of Business' from B.T.O. was heard when the game ended. This gives me hope that some songs will live on for another generation or two.
Perhaps all four songs will show up during your upcoming countdown?
Phil – WRCO
Well … half of them will! (kk)
>>> Regarding “Jackson”: The song’s writer, Billy Edd Wheeler was the first to record the song, which he cut as a duet with a friend from Kentucky, Joan Sommer (not to be confused with popular singing star Joanie Sommers, as has also been reported) singing the female part on his very first album for Kapp Records. Johnny Cash learned the song from that album, A New Bag of Songs. My understanding is theirs came out a couple of months before The Kingston Trio cut it (all in 1963.) That's Wheeler's version of the story anyway. The Kingston Trio also recorded the song in 1963 and included it on their "Sunny Side!"album that year. (Some maintain that THEY cut it first, but I think that's unlikely.) Their version sounds a lot like virtually everything else they ever recorded! lol Incredibly, the song then sat dormant for the next four years, only to become a hit TWICE in 1967 by two different duos on both the pop and country charts. (kk)
The Kingston Trio recorded it in June of 1963 and it was on their Sunny Side LP, released in July of that year. Billy Edd Wheeler didn't get around to recording his own version until October of 1963. It first appeared on an LP he released in November of 1963, but wasn't issued on a 45 until 1965.
Tom Diehl
Here is a review of The Eagles’ performance of “Hotel California” in its entirety in Las Vegas last month … their only US appearances in 2019.
The Eagles Soar and Perform 'Hotel California' For the First Time in Its Entirety in Las Vegas
Man, I would have LOVED to have seen this show!!!
They devoted Set One to performing the album "Hotel California" in its entirety ... the first time they’ve ever done this … and then they came back and played "a few" of their hits in Set Two!!!
“Hotel California”
“New Kid in Town"
“Life in the Fast Lane”
“Wasted Time”
“Wasted Time” (Reprise)
“Victim of Love”
“Pretty Maids All in a Row”
“Try and Love Again”
“The Last Resort”
“New Kid in Town"
“Life in the Fast Lane”
“Wasted Time”
“Wasted Time” (Reprise)
“Victim of Love”
“Pretty Maids All in a Row”
“Try and Love Again”
“The Last Resort”
“Seven Bridges Road”
“Take It Easy”
“One of These Nights”
“Take It To The Limit”
“Tequila Sunrise”
“Witchy Woman”
“In the City”
“I Can’t Tell You Why”
“Lyin’ Eyes”
“Best of My Love”
“Peaceful Easy Feeling”
“Love Will Keep Us Alive”
“Walk Away”
“Those Shoes”
“Life’s Been Good”
“Boys of Summer”
“Funk 49”
“Already Gone”
“Heartache Tonight”
“Take It Easy”
“One of These Nights”
“Take It To The Limit”
“Tequila Sunrise”
“Witchy Woman”
“In the City”
“I Can’t Tell You Why”
“Lyin’ Eyes”
“Best of My Love”
“Peaceful Easy Feeling”
“Love Will Keep Us Alive”
“Walk Away”
“Those Shoes”
“Life’s Been Good”
“Boys of Summer”
“Funk 49”
“Already Gone”
“Heartache Tonight”
(First Encore)
“Rocky Mountain Way”
(Second Encore)
“The Long Run”
“Hotel California” (Reprise)
“Hotel California” (Reprise)
DAMN!!! (kk)
And finally, one of Frank’s Funnies …
Today’s weather report …