Welcome to a special Late Afternoon / Early Evening Edition of The Sunday Comments!!! (Yeah, we’ve been kinda busy this weekend … and are just starting to catch up … but we couldn’t let the whole day go by without posting SOMETHING!!!)
And, in that regard, we've got another MASSIVE collection of comments to share with you this weekend ... so ENJOY!!!
the Happy Together Tour, 2015, at New York's Westbury Music Fair.
Could “Let It Be” (the film) FINALLY see the light of day again? (It has been unavailable since about 1980 … and has been a sore spot from McCartney’s point of view because it has become known as “the film showing the break-up of The Beatles.”)
FH Reader Bill Scherer sent us this clip …
And, in that regard, we've got another MASSIVE collection of comments to share with you this weekend ... so ENJOY!!!
This Just In / Healthbeat:
So I’m thinking that we need to found some type of a Rock And Roll Medical Foundation for all the stars who are going thru health issues of late.
We’ve already talked about Gene Cornish of The Rascals … Tommy Roe … Freddy Cannon … Michael Nesmith … and recent health issues involving Sam The Sham and ? (of ? and the Mysterians) ...
But now comes word that Mark Lindsay, former lead singer of Paul Revere and the Raiders, had a pacemaker put in last week. (We’ve been able to spend some time with Mark on the Happy Together Tour and his recent tour with Micky Dolenz … and have been life-long fans of his music … so this one hit especially close to home.)
FH Reader Tom Cuddy tells us …
Mark Lindsay made an unexpected personal appearance to a Cardiac Center in New England earlier this week.
Below is the note Mark shared with his fans.
- Tom Cuddy
Well, kids, I’m very sorry to tell you that I’ll have to miss the dates in Iowa on 9/29 and in Washington on 10/13. Right now I’m feeling better than I have in six months, but that’s due to my shiny new Medtronic pacemaker that I was suddenly introduced to on Wednesday afternoon.
I’d felt a bit foggy, tired, and out of breath on tour this summer, and I’d had a few dizzy episodes on stage. When I got back home, I went in for a physical and was sent for blood work and a stress test.
So on Wednesday morning, as Deb was driving me to the hospital for that, I passed out (scaring the crap out of her of course) and ended up in the ER. After being hooked up to a heart monitor, and after they saw my heart rate drop to ZERO a few times, I was put in an ambulance and rushed to a large cardiac center...where I spent a couple of hours getting that 2018 digital upgrade to my circa 1942 analog heart wiring.
I’m surprisingly not very sore, but I can’t be at all active (like moving my arms much or expanding my chest to sing) for the next six weeks, until the new lead wires are fully integrated into my heart muscle. But it sure is nice to have my brain getting its full share of oxygen and blood vs the 30-40% it apparently was getting recently.
On the very bright side, all the tests show my heart is healthy and it’s just a matter of my wiring shorting out. Sure glad it did the big short when I was close to the hospital!
On a slightly side note, when the cardiologist introduced himself to me, he said it wasn’t the first time we’d met. Huh??? In the “small world” department, it turns out he played guitar in a band that opened for the Raiders in 1965. “I sure hope I was nice to you!” I quipped, and he said I was. Good thing, baby!
P.S. Rock and roll does keep you young, but when you need that spare part or system update, go for it. If a guy whose biological readout is like someone in his 40s, with a BMI of 22, and who can still kick over his head isn’t afraid to admit needing a new spark plug, you shouldn’t be either.
See you out on the that road soon, and thanks for understanding
~ Mark Lindsay♥
Frannie and Mark Lindsay
kk and Mark Lindsay
WCBS-FM / New York morning DJ Scott Shannon hosting
the Happy Together Tour, 2015, at New York's Westbury Music Fair.
Photo by Tom Cuddy
Movin’ On:
RIP Bob Morales, who died this past week. He was Richie Valens’ stepbrother, who was featured prominently in the niopic La Bamba. We've known Bob for years from our trips to Clear Lake, Ia. … just a super sweet, humble hombre. We'll miss him.
Check out his obit if you have a moment.
Jim Nowoc
And another death to report …
Frank B.
Cleopatra Records Mourns The Passing of Pioneering
R&B Sax Legend Big Jay McNeely
One of the most innovative music performers to ever set foot on the stage, Big Jay McNeely, passed away on Sunday morning at Riverside University Health System Center after battling prostate cancer and a hip injury. The Cleopatra Records family extends its heartfelt condolences to the McNeely family and encourages all to remember Big Jay for both his incredible music as well as his boisterous personality and warm heart. Cleopatra Records president Brian Perera issued this statement about Big Jay McNeely this morning:
Big Jay was such a professional to work with, it was always a pleasure to see him come in our office or see him out playing a show. When he came through the front door his big smile & energy really put a positive effect on our whole staff. He will truly be missed.
Big Jay McNeely’s career began in the ‘40s and saw him play with several major R&B and blues legends of the late ‘40s and early ‘50s such as Little Richard, B.B. King, Etta James and Jr. Wells. He scored his first major hit with the 1949 smash hit instrumental “Deacon’s Hop” and scored again with a R&B vocal ballad “There’s Something On Your Mind” featuring Little Sonny Warner. He pioneered the flamboyant playing style called “honking” and is widely acknowledged as one of the first musical entertainers to make showmanship an important element of the live concert experience. His music continues to be an important signifier for that early era, earning McNeely gigs at major festivals both here and abroad as well as having his music featured in the 2013 Sean Penn film Gangster Squad starring and last year’s biopic Trumbo starring Bryan Cranston.
In 2014, McNeely teamed with Los Angeles-based indie label Cleopatra Records for a new set of recordings as well as some old favorites for the album Blowin’ Down The House - Big Jay’s Greatest & Latest. That was followed by the live 1989 concert CD/DVD set Honkin’ & Jivin’ At The Palomino. McNeely continued to perform live around the Los Angeles area where he was as captivating and charming as ever. His final recordings for Cleopatra, a blues project, is set to be released in the coming months.
Big Jay’s songwriting partner and producer, Richard Ihara, states “Big Jay McNeely’s talent and career is a vital link between yesterday’s traditions and today’s popular styles. His 70+ years of creative, dynamic performing and songwriting, innovative, masterful showmanship and stratospheric soloing inspired top music stars, fellow performers and countless audiences alike. He will be truly missed but his music and artistry lives on in his recordings.”
The McNeely family has announced a public tribute to “celebrate his life and legacy for all those who love and adore him and his music.”
Those in need of a refresher about Big Jay's history can watch this short promotional documentary film: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=whAxAIR2MD4
More Macca:
Hi Kent,
Well, it’s now official, LOL!
Paul McCartney has the #1 Album in America … for the first time since 1982!
The article also mentions that only Johnny Cash had a longer wait between #1 albums.
Paul Haney
Yes, and only by a couple of months it looks like, too! Congrats to Paul … everything old is new again! (Hey, that’s what keeps ME in business!!! Lol) kk
Tom Cuddy sent us this article / interview from Billboard … Paul’s reaction to being #1 again. (Thank GOD Kanye West discovered this kid a few years ago and put him on the map!!!)
Billboard: How does it feel to be No. 1, especially with this album?
Paul McCartney: You know, it feels really great. 'Cause you can't get much higher than No. 1, you know? It really feels great. We put a lot of really hard work into it.
Check it out … it’s a fun read! (kk)
Meanwhile, his new tour kicked off in Canada this past week. Here’s what those folks got to hear in concert …
Paul McCartney, Sept. 17, 2018, Centre Videotron, Quebec City
1. "A Hard Day's Night"
2. "Hi, Hi, Hi"
3. "Can't Buy Me Love"
4. "Letting Go"
5. "Who Cares"
6. "Come On to Me"
7. "Let Me Roll It"
8. "I've Got a Feeling"
9. "Let 'Em In"
10 "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five"
11. "Maybe I'm Amazed"
12. "I've Just Seen a Face"
13. "In Spite of All the Danger"
14. "From Me to You"
15. "My Valentine"
1. "A Hard Day's Night"
2. "Hi, Hi, Hi"
3. "Can't Buy Me Love"
4. "Letting Go"
5. "Who Cares"
6. "Come On to Me"
7. "Let Me Roll It"
8. "I've Got a Feeling"
9. "Let 'Em In"
10 "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five"
11. "Maybe I'm Amazed"
12. "I've Just Seen a Face"
13. "In Spite of All the Danger"
14. "From Me to You"
15. "My Valentine"
16. "Michelle"
17. "Love Me Do"
18. "Blackbird"
19. "Here Today"
20. "Queenie Eye"
21. "Lady Madonna"
22. "FourFiveSeconds"
23. "Eleanor Rigby"
24. "Fuh You"
25. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!"
26. "Something"
27. "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
28. "Band on the Run"
29. "Back in the U.S.S.R."
30. "Let It Be"
31. "Live and Let Die"
32. "Hey Jude"
17. "Love Me Do"
18. "Blackbird"
19. "Here Today"
20. "Queenie Eye"
21. "Lady Madonna"
22. "FourFiveSeconds"
23. "Eleanor Rigby"
24. "Fuh You"
25. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!"
26. "Something"
27. "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"
28. "Band on the Run"
29. "Back in the U.S.S.R."
30. "Let It Be"
31. "Live and Let Die"
32. "Hey Jude"
33. "Yesterday"
34. "I Saw Her Standing There"
35. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"
36. "Helter Skelter"
37. "Golden Slumbers"
38. "Carry That Weight"
39. "The End"
33. "Yesterday"
34. "I Saw Her Standing There"
35. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"
36. "Helter Skelter"
37. "Golden Slumbers"
38. "Carry That Weight"
39. "The End"
I am horrified over Paul McCartney's new song Fuh You! The kid looks to be about 13 years old. Besides the fact he just wants to go out and steal, he is also singing about having sex with her! And there isn't even a mention of teen love or anything? Totally inappropriate, IMHO!
Yes … I agree that it’s an inappropriate video … but it’s also got everybody talking about it … first the song and now the video!
Meanwhile, Paul has already released ANOTHER new video for the song “Back In Brazil.” (Obviously, a WHOLE lotta preplanning went into this album launch … and it looks like it’s paying off big time in sales!) kk
Could “Let It Be” (the film) FINALLY see the light of day again? (It has been unavailable since about 1980 … and has been a sore spot from McCartney’s point of view because it has become known as “the film showing the break-up of The Beatles.”)
That’s not necessarily true … although the idea at the time was to show the band, warts and all, in the studio going thru the process of recording their new LP. There is one unpleasant exchange between Paul and George that resulted with George walking out for a few days … but by and large it’s a pretty fascinating, inside look at their process … from warming up with all kinds of old tunes from the ‘50’s and early ‘60’s that they played back in their Hamburg days … to Paul clowning around with his Elvis impression on “Two Of Us” … to professionally planned and shot videos for “Let It Be,” “Two Of Us” and “The Long And Winding Road” that were used to showcase the “hits” on the LP … to the infamous rooftop concert that ended with the police busting up the proceedings.
There have been rumors of an official list for YEARS now … but Macca says it’ll probably happen in 2020 .. the 50th anniversary of the film’s original release … and will now include all kinds of bonus footage and outtakes showing the band in happier spirits and functioning more like the guys they really were. (Honestly, I hope they release this as both the “original director’s cut” and then the “newly-enhanced, band-friendly version!!!)
FH Reader Bill Scherer sent us this clip …
Maybe it won't happen, but at least they're talking about it.
Peter Rivera (who cleans up pretty nicely, don'tcha think?) with Jim ... followed by a shot of Paul Revere's Raiders in action (or, at the very least, where the action is!)
Followed by a trio of Gary Lewis pics (including one with Jim) ...
And one of Charlie Thomas' Drifters ...
WLS’ Chuck Buell talking with Tommy James and the Shondells backstage, circa Summer 1968
Concert Reviews:
Enjoying the growing catalog of great-reviews you are building,
That last paragraph of Shelley’s Lovin’ Spoonful concert review was fall-down funny! When I was little, I knew kids (at least one was of color!) that adored the Partridges, but couldn't stand the Cowsills!
That town where the concert was held was booze-free? I wonder what Bethlehem, PA would have been like if Musikfest had been that way all those 30-odd years?
Bob Frable
Watch for a brand new concert review from Shelley next week in Forgotten Hits ... she went to see Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band ... and it sounds FANTASTIC!!! (kk)
We got some photos from Jim Nowoc’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Alaskan Cruise after his review ran … so we’re going to share a few of those with you today.
A couple of Mitch Ryder shots ... plus a shot of Jim an Mitch ...
Peter Rivera (who cleans up pretty nicely, don'tcha think?) with Jim ... followed by a shot of Paul Revere's Raiders in action (or, at the very least, where the action is!)
Followed by a trio of Gary Lewis pics (including one with Jim) ...
And one of Charlie Thomas' Drifters ...
These shows bring a whole new meaning to the '50's term "Cruisin'" ... as all were taken out on the Alaskan Seas! Thanks, Jim, for sharing these with us! (kk)
Me and Sue are finally going to see Tommy James Saturday Night at the Arcada ... booked dinner at the Speakeasy upstairs, too.
Looking forward to it!
Bob Burns
You’re going to have a blast! (Send us a review!)
It’s a sold out show … standing room only tickets are now available.
Tommy sounds just as good as ever (check out the review we ran on Thursday by Barry Winslow of The Royal Guardsmen … these two guys toured together back in 1967!)
We haven’t eaten at the Speakeasy yet but I hear it’s amazing. (We did the tour when it first opened but have yet to make it for dinner.)
Have a great time! (kk)
Speaking of Tommy James …
Thanks for running the review of Tommy’s show in Branson ... awesome! ... I really appreciate it, Kent, and I'm sure Tommy will, too.
Bless ya, my friend
Barry Winslow
Bless ya, my friend
Barry Winslow
Reading the recent Tommy James Concert Review by Barry Winslow of The Royal Guardsmen in Forgotten Hits today reminded me of something I don’t remember!
That is, I don’t recall if it was you or someone else in FH or if I just came across it at my local library. It’s James' first-person book, “Me, the Mob, and the Music,” the story of his career as told from his perspective.
I found it a well-written, highly entertaining and fascinating story throughout. One of the most interesting parts to me personally was when a particular Program Director at WLS in Chicago, whom I worked with, was responsible for the forced release of the "rough cut" version of “Crimson and Clover,” which historically became the huge hit song we’ve all become familiar with over the years.
For radio people in Tommy James' same demo, it’s also interesting how the early events of his budding music career were similar to those who were beginning to build their radio careers at the same time. And for those who were involved in the music selections of their radio stations in the years that followed, there’s a few familiar names from the music side with whom they may have spoken to on a semi-regular basis themselves.
Finally, from one Audiobook Narrator to “another,” an audio book version is also available as read by Tommy James himself.
Chuck Buell
WLS’ Chuck Buell talking with Tommy James and the Shondells backstage, circa Summer 1968
(That’s me, Chuck Buell*, first row, second from the right and Tommy James … also in the first row, third from the right
*Yep! That was a highly trend-setting Nehru Suit Fashion Statement Buell's wearing!
Yeah, man, you are ROCKIN’ IT in that jacket! (lol) Hey, we all had ‘em … and the medallions, too! (kk)
Tommy James Book Cover
Just looking at your Saturday Survey for September 21st, 1968, from WJAK in Jackson, Tennessee …
Since Whitburn referred to them as a garage-rock band, I check my other very reliable source (“Fuzz, Acid And Flowers Revisited” by Vernon Joynson), who describes the song and the band this way:
A book excerpt from the Tommy James Book about the unauthorized release of the rough cut of “Crimson and Clover” ... followed by an audio excerpt of Tommy James reading from his book
There's a good chance it could have been us … we’ve been talking about Tommy’s book (and how great it is) for YEARS now! They’re still working to get the movie made, based on Tommy’s story … I just keep hoping that it’ll happen sooner rather than later as I know an awful lot of Tommy James fans out there who are just chompin’ at the bit to see it! (kk)
Great piece on the Jim Peterik Career Retrospective show, Kent ... it's amazing what the "seasons of life" do to folks. Most interesting.
Thanks, my friend.
Thanks, my friend.
Thanks, Kent,
That Jimbo has been doing the rock scene for a looooong time.
Have a good weekend.
Drew Paul
Hi Kent -
THANK YOU so much for the Fantastic review on JIM PETERIK's one man show!
He is a treasure to all of us … especially the ones like me that are from BERWYN!!!
His music will last through the years. He not only is a great musician but a great personality.
But ... being from BERWYN, he could not be anything else!!!
Any comments or reviews on the concert last weekend that included Jerry Lee Lewis and Blondie? All I know it was in Chicago and I think it was in Douglas Park?
When in doubt ask the master …
I haven’t heard a word about it. (Seriously?!?! Jerry Lee Lewis??? I thought he was hangin’ out with Mick Jagger down in Memphis!!!)
I’m a little surprised he’s still doing shows … it looks like it’s difficult for him to get around (much less kick his leg up on the piano!)
Anybody know anything about this one? First I’ve heard of it! (kk)
PLEASE NOTE: If you had tickets for the UB40 concert at The Genesee Theatre scheduled for September 29th, the show has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Stay tuned for all the latest updates. (kk)
Check out this clip!
Mike Hartman
Check out this clip!
Mike Hartman
Yes, that’s the clip that Jim Peterik featured in his Career Retrospective Show last weekend at The Jam Lab, the brain child of Father and Son Jim and Colin Peterik. (It’s an amazing looking place!)
That’s WLS DeeJay Ron Riley on the air with Dick Clark … and Jim actually got that clip from us after we ran it in Forgotten Hits several years ago. It was originally tracked down by Clark Besch, a MAJOR Ides fan with one of the most extensive collections I’ve ever seen!
Good to see this one again … it’s a keeper … such a great song … this really should have been a Top Ten National Hit. (Rich Appell … if you’re reading this … please cast my vote for next year’s I.R.S. Ballot!!!) kk
Helping Out Our Readers:
>>>In looking around for the name of a song I’ve got STUCK IN MY HEAD & IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY, I came across this site and I know I’ll be back – it’s cool in here! The song is hard to describe: It’s from the 50’s or 60’s. I believe it was European (as opposed to North American) It is sprightly, upbeat and the tune is carried by car horn beeps. It’s an INSTRUMENTAL … and it’s NOT the ‘Beep-Beep song (Nash Rambler). Any ideas? (Tony T.)
We had a couple of readers make the same suggestion here, so let’s run it on the site and see if we’ve solved your mystery …
The person looking for the song with horns (not Beep Beep) may be
thinking of the Routers 1963 record Sting Ray that hit #50 in 1963. It
was their follow-up to the Top 20 hit Let's Go. Sting Ray features a
horn throughout (which sounds like a bike horn).
Phil Nee
Hi Kent -
Tony T might be thinking of "Sting Ray" by The Routers from 1963.
I recently discovered your site when Glen Fisher mentioned it in his weekly newsletter. Keep up the fine work.
Lane Quigley
Well, I'm thinkin' that this is probably it ... and, if we’ve solved that one, then how about trying THIS one on for size??? (kk)
I remember a song that I'm pretty sure was on the flip side of Ray Bolger's Once In Love With Amy on a Decca 45. I've not been able to find it and no one seems to remember it but me. It's not even listed with the record company as far as I can tell. The one line I remember from that silly song was "thirty-two teeth, all in front". Does anyone remember this or am I just a silly 75 year old Woman Marine / Cowgirl who's losing it? LOL
Lee Kelley
Well, I found a 78 for sale in about two seconds … the flip side is called “Make A Miracle” … could that be it? Both songs come from the musical “Where’s Charley?” Giving it a quick listen on YouTube, I don’t think this is the one you’re looking for … which just means that it was NOT on the flipside of “Once In Love With Amy” … so now we’ve just got to find out if anybody else out there recognizes the lyric. (kk)
Since we ran concert reviews all week, we’ve fallen a bit behind on oldies news … as such, some of you may have already heard some of these stories … but they’re still worth mentioning! (kk)
I received several emails and notices this past week about a brand new tour pairing Lou Gramm (of Foreigner) with Asia (featuring John Payne on lead vocals.)
This should be a killer show. (I feel SO fortunate to have been able to see Asia with John Wetton a couple of years ago … it was a GREAT show and we lost him a short time after that.) Payne fronted Asia between 1992 and 2006 so this should make for an excellent return to the helm.
Meanwhile, Gramm is also doing some Foreigner reunion shows (with co-founder Mick Jones) … and I’m hoping that THAT show makes its way to Chicago. (kk)
Here’s a copy of the official press release …
Lou Gramm, The Original Voice of Foreigner & Asia,
Featuring John Payne Join Forces For Exciting New Show!
Performing classics such as “Feels Like The First Time,” “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Heat of the Moment,” “Juke Box Hero,” “Only Time Will Tell,” “Cold As Ice,” “Sole Survivor” and more!
Performing classics such as “Feels Like The First Time,” “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Heat of the Moment,” “Juke Box Hero,” “Only Time Will Tell,” “Cold As Ice,” “Sole Survivor” and more!
DEVGEL Productions announce that Lou Gramm and Asia Featuring John Payne have joined forces in an exciting 90 minute show featuring the hits of both FOREIGNER and ASIA.
Expect to hear classics such as “Feels Like The First Time,” “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Heat of the Moment,” “Juke Box Hero,” “Only Time Will Tell,” “Cold As Ice,” “Sole Survivor” and more!
Dates to be announced shortly, with availability throughout 2018 – 2019.
Is the original lead singer of Foreigner. Initially starting out as the drummer with the band Black Sheep, he joined Foreigner in 1976, and the band released their debut album in March of 1977. Their self-titled debut sold more than four million copies in the United States alone. Foreigner became the first group since the Beatles to have their first eight continuous singles reach the Billboard Top 20, with hits such as “Cold as Ice” and “Long, Long Way from Home” taking the world of rock music by storm. Gramm has also enjoyed a successful solo career in-between hiatuses with Foreigner, with his 1987 debut “Ready or Not” further proving his versatility in the music industry. Lou Gramm was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in June of 2013, and continues to tour as Lou Gramm the Voice of Foreigner.
Is a British musician best known as the lead singer and bassist of the progressive rock group ASIA. The early 80s marked the start of a solo career as a rock/soul vocalist, with Payne releasing several heavily played radio singles. Shortly after, Payne was employed as a backing vocalist by Roger Daltrey of The Who on his solo albums. This lead to a series of work singing backing vocals for a variety of prestigious artists and composers. John then formed The Passion with keyboardist Andy Nye before being approached by Bev Bevan of ELO to reform the band after the departure of singer Jeff Lynne. This was short lived as he was later invited to join the supergroup ASIA, where he fronted the group from 1992 to 2006, releasing 10 albums and embarking on several world tours. After a brief hiatus, John formed the progressive rock band GPS before returning to the reformation of ASIA as the new ASIA Featuring John Payne, which tours to date. He is also currently involved with various stage projects, including co-creating, performing, and writing an award-winning Vegas musical. His latest endeavor is The Rock Pack, which he plans to tour for many years to come.
Expect to hear classics such as “Feels Like The First Time,” “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Heat of the Moment,” “Juke Box Hero,” “Only Time Will Tell,” “Cold As Ice,” “Sole Survivor” and more!
Dates to be announced shortly, with availability throughout 2018 – 2019.
Is the original lead singer of Foreigner. Initially starting out as the drummer with the band Black Sheep, he joined Foreigner in 1976, and the band released their debut album in March of 1977. Their self-titled debut sold more than four million copies in the United States alone. Foreigner became the first group since the Beatles to have their first eight continuous singles reach the Billboard Top 20, with hits such as “Cold as Ice” and “Long, Long Way from Home” taking the world of rock music by storm. Gramm has also enjoyed a successful solo career in-between hiatuses with Foreigner, with his 1987 debut “Ready or Not” further proving his versatility in the music industry. Lou Gramm was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in June of 2013, and continues to tour as Lou Gramm the Voice of Foreigner.
Is a British musician best known as the lead singer and bassist of the progressive rock group ASIA. The early 80s marked the start of a solo career as a rock/soul vocalist, with Payne releasing several heavily played radio singles. Shortly after, Payne was employed as a backing vocalist by Roger Daltrey of The Who on his solo albums. This lead to a series of work singing backing vocals for a variety of prestigious artists and composers. John then formed The Passion with keyboardist Andy Nye before being approached by Bev Bevan of ELO to reform the band after the departure of singer Jeff Lynne. This was short lived as he was later invited to join the supergroup ASIA, where he fronted the group from 1992 to 2006, releasing 10 albums and embarking on several world tours. After a brief hiatus, John formed the progressive rock band GPS before returning to the reformation of ASIA as the new ASIA Featuring John Payne, which tours to date. He is also currently involved with various stage projects, including co-creating, performing, and writing an award-winning Vegas musical. His latest endeavor is The Rock Pack, which he plans to tour for many years to come.
Steve Lukather of Toto has a new biography coming out. While there are any number of people he could have called out due to various run-ins throughout the years, Steve says, "More than throwing people under the bus that deserve to be thrown under the bus, I took the high road, for the most part. There's a few people that get a nudge, but they deserved that. I tried to be cool and I tried to avoid lawsuits, and that's a very important thing in my life. I'm sick of fucking lawsuits, all right?"
Former Allman Brothers Guitarist Dickey Betts is in critical condition after a fall at his home in Florida. Reports say he was in his backyard playing with his dog when he fell and cracked his head, causing bleeding and swelling in the brain.
Betts has had his share of health issues lately … just a month ago he had a mild stroke. (kk)
Paul Simon wrapped up his farewell tour in New York as planned this weekend. Despite rumors throughout the tour, Art Garfunkel was nowhere to be found for Simon’s last show. (In fact, he was performing his own concert in Minnesota that night!)
Here is a copy of Paul’s final set list …
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
The Boy in the Bubble
Dazzling Blue
That Was Your Mother Rewrite
Mother and Child Reunion
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard (with Edie Brickell)
Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After the War
Can’t Run But
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Spirit Voices
The Obvious Child
Questions for the Angels
The Cool, Cool River
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
You Can Call Me Al
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
The Boy in the Bubble
Dazzling Blue
That Was Your Mother Rewrite
Mother and Child Reunion
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard (with Edie Brickell)
Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After the War
Can’t Run But
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Spirit Voices
The Obvious Child
Questions for the Angels
The Cool, Cool River
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes
You Can Call Me Al
1st Encore:
Late in the Evening
Still Crazy After All These Years
Late in the Evening
Still Crazy After All These Years
2nd Encore:
Homeward Bound
The Boxer
American Tune
The Sound of Silence
Homeward Bound
The Boxer
American Tune
The Sound of Silence
This And That:
Me-TV-FM is celebrating National One Hit Wonders Day next Tuesday (September 25th) … and then the following day they will be filling their airwaves with the biggest hits of Olivia Newton-John in a very special birthday salute, hopelessly devoted to all the “magic” created on the charts. (And we are all, of course, wishing her a speedy recovery from her latest bout with cancer … Get Well, Soon, Olivia!) kk
Kent ...
Thanks for printing my little resume and story recently. I can only hope that someone in the right position will see that, in reality, II didn't just "disappear," as one person suggested.
I am but just ONE of perhaps thousands of air- talent who have become under-utilized by the upheaval caused because there now are so many audio choices available to ears today.
If anything, I advocate that radio experiment MORE with hybrid formats and/or at least try reaching older listeners who now feel ignored ... particularly on music formated stations. So much great music AND personalities shouldn't just wither away. That would be a crime.
I believe people STILL yearn to hear a live and friendly voice from whatever device they use ... especially personalities who have something to say; whether they are funny, or add something of meaning to the music they present, regardless of age.
Be BIG!!
Big Jay Sorensen
It’s a whole new world out there. Think about it … you can get just about anything you want in the world on your phone … whether it’s listening to music, watching a movie, making a purchase … it’s all right there literally at your fingertips.
We hear it from the other side, too. The music business has changed so much that the only way artists can earn a living today is through touring and merchandise.
When we went to see Jim Peterik’s show last Sunday, the topic came up about Spotify … and how “Eye Of The Tiger” now has over TWO MILLION HITS … from which Jim says he has earned about seven dollars!!! (I’m sure it’s a LITTLE bit more than that … but it is definitely not like the old days!) Meanwhile, I just heard “Vehicle” playing in the background of a new car commercial … and that has become another VERY lucrative way for an artist to earn money … but let’s face it, only certain songs are going to be iconic enough to reap that benefit.
It’s a whole new world out there … I miss the deejays (I just listened to an online sampling of “That Thing With Rich Appell,” which I really enjoyed if only because of all the thought and creativity that went into putting the whole thing together) … but I’ll also admit to loving the technology of being to watch ANYTHING I want … WHENEVER I want … WHEREVER I want. Before the invention of the video recorder, if you missed a show, you missed a show … and there was NO way you were going to get to see it unless they happened to air it again as a summer rerun. (As such, we STILL have never seen the final episode of “American Dreams” … which has never been released on DVD.) Current technology has taken us LIGHTYEARS beyond the video recorder of the ‘80’s … and who knows where it’ll go from here.
I’ve said it before … FAR too often it seems like there is too much available … it’s impossible to grasp, enjoy and appreciate it all. Today you can sit down and watch an entire season of a television program over the weekend … and then flip around between 1200 choices to see what you might want to sample next.
Off on another one of my tangents here, but I will close by saying that I really miss the time when deejays went out of their way to entertain us and draw us in. It was a big part of the joy of the whole listening process. Get yourself an Internet show or start that podcast you keep talking about … put yourself out there where people can hear you again … and we’ll do everything we can to help spread the word. Don’t let this broadcasting art die. Kids today think radio is supposed to sound like Ryan Seacrest … because that’s all they’ve ever been conditioned to think. Prove them wrong … put something out there that’ll grab the attention of people and word of mouth will help it grow and succeed.
OK … enough … I’m done. (kk)
I have a question that perhaps you or one of your DJ friends can answer.
I am a regular listener to Sirius / XM Radio 60s on 6 and 70s on 7. Despite the vast catalogue of songs available, why do these stations seem to set aside a limited group of songs and play them again and again for a month, then set aside a different group for the next month. I have loved hearing two of my favorite songs “Just Like Romeo and Juliet” and “Blue Navy Blue” several times this month but am sick of Simon and Garfunkel.
Bob Verbos
OK, now you’re going to get me going again!!! (lol)
I find it TOTALLY unacceptable that a radio station devoted and dedicated to one specific genre or era of music (in this case the ‘60’s and/or the ‘70’s) would limit their play list in ANY way rather than showcase ALL of the avenues music took during those two pivotal decades.
I have experienced the same aggravation you have listening to these stations. The “countdown shows” seem to be the only break from the monotony of the same old / same old being played on a daily basis. It is VERY frustrating because there are literally THOUSANDS of songs from each decade that could be featured in their rotation.
(Think about how the album came to the forefront during this era … deep tracks from some of the key artists would be TOTALLY at home and in place here … yet we get the same songs by the same artists from the same Top Ten Lists again and again and again.)
And worse yet, we PAY for it!!! If we’re PAYING for it, shouldn’t the listeners have some say as to the expectations of what they want to hear?
Now you’ll never please everybody … we all know that’s impossible … but there just HAS to be a happy medium that would get the job done. (Man, I would LOVE to be brought on as a programming consultant to review the options and experiment a little bit … see what kind of reaction they get from their listeners once they push the envelope a little bit.) And who knows … good word of mouth because of all the new improvements just might bring MORE paying subscribers and listeners into the mix. (Sirius … seriously … call me!!!) kk
On a related note (for Sirius / XM anyway!), this just in from Tom Cuddy:
I heard that Somerville, Massachusetts was flooded.
Any word on how Al Kooper is doing? (I presume he still lives there.)
I hadn’t heard anything but I dropped him a line just to check in … here is what he had to say. (kk)
I live in Somerville, MA … a LONG way from this current hoopla.
I am fine.
I am fine.
Speaking of that, I never heard back from Tommy Roe either … so I hope he’s doing all-right … will have to check in with him again in a couple of days just to be sure. (kk)
UPDATE: I no sooner typed that when I got this …
>>>My daughter is getting married Saturday. She requested that I pick a song for the dj to play for the father / daughter dance. I did not want a typical song like Butterfly Kisses. When Macey was a little girl, her
favorite song was Sweet Pea by Tommy Roe. We have not danced together to that song for a long time and we will again this Saturday night. It is good to hear that Tommy is on the mend. If you get a chance, thank him for his memorable songs that have been a big part of all of our lives. It is too bad that we can't fly him into Milwaukee to perform it live! (Phil Nee / WRCO)
Hi Kent ...
Congratulations to Phil and his daughter, Macey, on her upcoming wedding. Love is the answer .… and wishing you much happiness.
Phil, thanks for picking Sweet Pea for the father daughter dance. Just know while you and Macey are entertaining your wedding guests with your latest moves to a sixties standard, I will be right there with you in spirit, dancing the night away.
God bless,
Thank you for sending this. I forwarded it to my daughter. It will probably make her cry again! Many thoughts were going through my mind when I was breaking out the moves to Sweet Pea. I was thinking of Tommy a bit and hoping that he was doing well.
And … speaking of Tommy Roe …
Just looking at your Saturday Survey for September 21st, 1968, from WJAK in Jackson, Tennessee …
So, does Clark (or Tommy, given he wrote the song) know any more about this group the Movers?
Can I take that they were originally from Birmingham, Alabama?
Bob Frable
According to Joel Whitburn’s book (where “Birmingham” bubbled under at #116), The Movers were a garage-rock band out of New Port Richey, Florida. They consisted of Roger Hale (vocals and guitar), Don Reynolds (guitar), Steve Uzzle (bass) and Darryl Calkins (drums). Their record didn’t break The Top 100 in any of the major trades … but it did do a LITTLE bit better in Cash Box, where it peaked at #104. (I don’t know that much else is known about them, to tell you the truth!)
Since Whitburn referred to them as a garage-rock band, I check my other very reliable source (“Fuzz, Acid And Flowers Revisited” by Vernon Joynson), who describes the song and the band this way:
“A solid and bouncy version of ‘Birmingham’ in a Paul Revere style (shame about the horns) with a meaner flip (‘Leave Me Loose’) – raucous vocals, wicked guitar and NO horns – a definite improvement. ‘Hello L.A. (Bye Bye Birmingham)’, their follow-up single, returns to bounce and brass but the rampant fuzz-rock flip (‘Hey You, Hey Me’) rules again, and is the pick of these tracks. It did get to #116 in the national charts. The band hailed from New Port Richey, Florida, and were known previously as The Intruders.”
Tommy Roe tells us …
Hi Kent ...
Freddy Weller and I wrote Birmingham and I was scheduled to record it. Then Bill Lowery asked us if he could record the song with a new hot group of his called the The Movers. The Movers were southern rock before southern rock caught on and became popular. Great band and great record ... it should of been a hit.
The follow up to Birmingham was a song I wrote with Ric Cartey called Hey You Hey Me ... another great record by The Movers.
Still Rock’n’
This is actually a great little track ... and I agree ... it shoulda been a hit! (kk)
Found this while going through some music-related files ... August 4, 2016.
Mike Wolstein
This is actually a great little track ... and I agree ... it shoulda been a hit! (kk)
Look for another brand new Monkees release … a Christmas album this time, featuring brand new music by Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith and Peter Tork … as well as a couple of revived tracks featuring Davy Jones on vocals.
Here’s the scoop!
Featuring Newly Recorded Versions Of Classic Christmas Songs Along With New Songs Written For The Band By Peter Buck And Scott McCaughey, Rivers Cuomo, Andy Partridge, And Album Producer Adam Schlesinger
Available On CD, Digital Download, And Streaming On October 12
The Monkees will celebrate the season with their first holiday album, featuring new vocals by Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, and Peter Tork. The late Davy Jones’ unmistakable voice – taken from vintage recordings – also appears on two songs. CHRISTMAS PARTY will be available on CD ($15.98), digital download, and streaming services on October 12.
On CHRISTMAS PARTY, The Monkees put their unmistakable vocal stamp on a wide array of classic Christmas tracks, from the R&B holiday standard “Merry Christmas, Baby,” to Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” and Wizzard’s yuletide classic “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day.”
After helming The Monkees’ critically acclaimed studio album Good Times! in 2016, Grammy® and Emmy®-winning songwriter Adam Schlesinger reprises his role as producer on CHRISTMAS PARTY. All of the album’s 13 songs were recorded this year, with “Silver Bells” and “Mele Kalikimaka” using classic Davy Jones vocals from the archives combined with newly recorded music.
Much like Good Times!, CHRISTMAS PARTY features songs newly written for the band by a group of talented songwriters, including Rivers Cuomo of Weezer (“What Would Santa Do”) and Andy Partridge of XTC (“Unwrap You At Christmas”). Schlesinger and celebrated author Michael Chabon teamed up to write “House Of Broken Gingerbread.” Guitarists Peter Buck of R.E.M. and Scott McCaughey of The Minus 5 play on two songs – a cover of Big Star’s “Jesus Christ” and the album’s title track, which they wrote together.
CHRISTMAS PARTY also includes two songs with Michael Nesmith on lead vocals, with each track being produced by one of his sons. His take on the yuletide classic “The Christmas Song” was produced by Christian Nesmith while “Snowfall” was helmed by Jonathan Nesmith.
Over the years, The Monkees’ amassed a dozen Top 40 hits, including a
trio of tunes that soared to #1. Between September 1966 and
December 1967, “Last Train To Clarksville,” “I’m A Believer,” and
“Daydream Believer” collectively occupied the top position for 12
weeks. Sales of their LPs were more phenomenal still: The Monkees
occupied the #1 position for 13 consecutive weeks, and More Of The
Monkees for 18 weeks. Both Headquarters and Pisces, Aquarius,
Capricorn & Jones Ltd. went to the top as well, for a four-in-a-row feat
in the incomprehensible space of 13 months. The final tally: 16 million
albums and 7.5 million singles sold in a mere 2 1/2 years.
Track Listing
1. “Unwrap You At Christmas”
2. “What Would Santa Do”
3. “Mele Kalikimaka”
4. “House Of Broken Gingerbread”
5. “The Christmas Song”
6. “Christmas Party”
7. “Jesus Christ”
8. “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day”
9. “Silver Bells”
10. “Wonderful Christmastime”
11. “Snowfall”
12.“Angels We Have Heard On High”
13.“Merry Christmas, Baby”
Gonna have to add this one to my Christmas List!!! (Although I think they may be over-doing it just a bit with the whole "animated" Monkees thing. That'll work for The Archies, perhaps, but The Monkees were a real, live band ... and STILL have the drawing and selling power to support these kinds of new releases and tours.
And, speaking of The Monkees, look what Micky Dolenz was up to last night!!!
Monkee Micky Dolenz took part in a discussion of particle psychics this weekend at The Big Bang Science Fair in Providence, Rhode Island, with Dr. Donald Lincoln; a renounced experimental physicist at Fermilab, Illinois.
If you didn’t know it, Dolenz is a fan of particle psychics. How’s that for Monkee-ing around!
Have you heard Steve Perry's new single, “No More Cryin’”?
Yes, we featured it a few weeks ago … I think this kid’s pretty good … he just might make a career for himself in music! (kk)
Found this while going through some music-related files ... August 4, 2016.
Mike Wolstein
Well, I know Carl Giammarese will get a kick out of this!!! (lol) kk
And another smile from John LaPuzza ...
In 1971, Motown Records started a subsidiary label called “Weed” … and … incredibly … their label slogan was “All your favorite artists are on Weed”!!!!! (Which proves again the simple fact that, quite often, truth is stranger than fiction!) kk
(In all fairness, it looks like they had exactly one release … maybe somebody came to their senses in the meantime???)
I just thought that some of your readers might be interested in seeing a survey from 60 years ago here in the OKC area. This is for WKY-AM 930 on the dial. They switched over to rock n' roll about two months earlier as I have been told. Their first weekly survey came out in August of 1958 and concluded in the year 1979. I am fortunate to have a copy for every week of every year. I like to think that I have a history of the music played here in the OKC area.
That’s a pretty strong first Top Ten!
I’m fortunate in that I have at least one survey for every week here in Chicago from about June of 1956 through the end of 1985 (by which time I really didn’t care about what was on the charts anymore!)
VERY nice to reminisce … I’ve always said that if a station like that, that played the hits from 1958 – 1979 came back on with the oldies format and ONLY played songs that actually made their survey during that 20+ year period, think about what a treat that would be for the folks who grew up in that area. And, thanks to the nature of “local hits,” you’d probably hear ALL kinds of songs you have heard played in decades.
Treat it as more of a “Salute to the Great WKY-AM 930” … and then stay true to your format … even set up a website for online streaming … and put up new copies of the surveys for all that time. (Think about it … 52 weeks times 21 years … that’s almost 1100 different surveys you could display on the site … swap ‘em out from time to time and maybe even tie them into some type of weekend feature playing The Top 50 on This Date in such-and-such a year. That’s what I call Appointment Radio!) kk
I remember when I was working on my Bobby Darin Series coming across a quote from Bobby, reacting to Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones … Bobby thought that Mick would KILL IT in Vegas … because back then, that was the ultimate goal … to get your show to Las Vegas, which was considered by many to be the world’s biggest stage.
Well, obviously a lot has changed since then (and from what I’ve heard, ol’ Mick has done all-right for himself over the past fifty years without having to don the tuxedo for the Vegas stage) …
So I was kinda surprised to get an announcement today that Billy Idol was taking up a Las Vegas Residency at The Pearl Concert Theater for the months of January and October of 2019!!! (Who’dathunkit?!?!)
You can book your tickets here:
And, speaking of Bobby Darin ...
kk …
Look Out Old Bobby's Back.
Jimmy Scalia has put together a brand new presentation …
Frank B.
I’d love to see this … I wonder when and where it’s playing.
I got to meet Jimmy at a Bobby Darin Star Presentation Ceremony in Las Vegas several years ago … he is VERY committed to seeing Bobby’s career properly documented. (He even allowed us to share a couple of exclusive tracks in Forgotten Hits at the time.)
Or, if Disco is more your scene, check out the incredible line-up taking part in the 2019 Disco Cruise!!!
Including: KC and The Sunshine Band (special appearance 2/17/19), Kool & The Gang, The Spinners, Gloria Gaynor, Village People, Tavares, Norma Jean Wright, Alfa Anderson & Luci Martin (formerly of Chic), Rose Royce, Evelyn “Champagne” King, Thelma Houston, The Trammps featuringEarl Young, Yvonne Elliman, Musique, France Jolie, The Australian Bee Gees Show – A Tribute to The Bee Gees, The Urban Guerilla Orchestra and just added: Boogie Wonder Band, Keith & Leslie Ferguson, ComedianKivi Rogers … and more! Cruise Hosted by DeneyTerrioof “Dance Fever”
Featuring Music HostBob Pantano, host of the Saturday Night Dance Party With Music Presented by Sirius XM
Luxury Cruise Sails February 14 - February 19, 2019
From Fort Lauderdale to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico
StarVista LIVE, the leader in nostalgia-based music cruise experiences, is adding a pair of classic dance music’s legendary divas ― Yvonne Ellimanand France Jolie― to an already unprecedented superstar lineup for its newest uniquely themed voyage, the 2019 Ultimate Disco Cruise.
Yvonne Elliman and France Jolie join a phenomenal gathering of pioneering musical artists who helped make dance music a lasting part of all of our lives: KC and The Sunshine Band, Kool & The Gang, The Spinners, Gloria Gaynor, the Village People, Tavares, Norma Jean Wright, Alfa Anderson & Luci Martin (formerly of Chic), Rose Royce, Evelyn “Champagne” King, Thelma Houston, The Trammps featuring Earl Young, Musique, the Australian Bee Gees Show – a Tribute to The Bee Gees, and just added, the Boogie Wonder Band, Keith & Leslie Ferguson and comedian Kivi Rogers - with more coming! Together, they’ll “rock the boat” for five incredible nights, with live concerts anchoring a cruise that brings the cultural phenomenon of the 1970s from the dance floor to the high seas on a luxury ship that will wind its way through the Gulf of Mexico from February 14 - 19, 2019.
Famed choreographer and “Dance Fever” TV host Deney Terrio, the man who taught John Travolta his Saturday Night Fever dance moves, hosts one of the greatest lineups of classic disco stars ever assembled – and so much more – aboard the award-winning Celebrity InfinityÒ.
By the time she sang her #1 hit “If I Can’t Have You” in Saturday Night Fever (and included on the Grammy-winning soundtrack) – written specifically for her by the Bee Gees – Yvonne Elliman had already launched a career that included releasing four albums and early fame as the original Mary Magdalene on Broadway in Jesus Christ, Superstar, and then earning a Golden Globe nomination for reprising the role in the 1973 film version. She had been touring as a backup vocalist for Eric Clapton when the Bee Gees, who had written her a pair of Top 20 hits (“Love Me” and “Hello Stranger”) brought her to Saturday Night Fever. The Bee Gees had initially written “How Deep Is Your Love” for Yvonne, but the producer ultimately had the group record it. Instead, Yvonne sang "If I Can't Have You” and it rose to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
On July 7, 1979, an unknown, 16-year-old French Canadian female vocalist named France Joli performed her new single “Come to Me” for the first time before a throng of 5,000 on Fire Island at a benefit now infamously known as Beach ’79. She left the stage a star and became a media darling who appeared in all the popular publications and on all the hot TV shows of the day. “Come to Me” became a smash hit that sold 3 million copies globally, rose to number one on disco charts around the world, and reached number 15 on Billboardmagazine’s pop chart. Joli still performs “Come to Me” and subsequent hits such as “Gonna Get Over You,” “The Heart to Break the Heart,” and “Feel Like Dancing” on the dance music circuit throughout the world. She draws a crowd at every performance. Even those of a younger generation — who may not know her by name — realize they’re fans of “Come to Me” once they hear Joli’s first few bars.
“To be able to continue to add essential artists of the caliber of Yvonne Elliman and France Joli to an already unprecedented lineup of classic dance music superstars is a privilege that we couldn’t be prouder to share with our Ultimate Disco Cruise customers,” says Alan Rubens, StarVista LIVE Senior Vice President of Entertainment/Executive Producer of the Ultimate Disco Cruise. “Dance Fever will be running higher than we ever could have imagined as we boogie on the high seas together!”
As someone who came of age in the 1970s, Rubens remembers the Disco explosion as a “simply unforgettable” lifestyle and musical phenomenon.
“Boogie Fever” is guaranteed to run rampant day and night from Ft. Lauderdale to Key West to Cozumel, and back, turning a luxury ship into one glorious “Disco Inferno.” Throughout the voyage, guests will also have the opportunity to attend special events to get up close and personal with the artists onboard, including a wine tasting, live game shows, behind the music Q&A sessions, panel discussions, pool parties, and unforgettable themed costume gatherings. It all takes place aboard the luxurious Celebrity InfinityÒ, renowned for excellence in dining, deluxe cabins and stunning showrooms. Celebrity Cruises represent modern luxury in cruise lines, through sleek cruise ships and top-of-the-line amenities.
Cabin fares start at $1,499 and include admission to all shows produced by StarVista LIVE, most meals and major events. For further information on the Ultimate Disco Cruise, please call 844.296.3472 or visit www.UltimateDiscoCruise.com.
About StarVista LIVE: StarVista LIVE creates unique entertainment experiences that bring fans together to relive their favorite moments, create new memories, and enjoy unparalleled access to the superstars they love. StarVista LIVE cruise events include, the Malt Shop Memories Cruise, the Soul Train Cruise, The Country Music Cruise, Flower Power Cruise, ‘70s Rock & Romance Cruise, the Southern Rock Cruise, Ultimate Disco Cruise, and Abbey Road on the River Festival. StarVista LIVE is a division of Direct Holdings Global. Direct Holdings Global is a leading multi-channel marketer with a broad portfolio of products and services, most notably associated with the success of the StarVista / Time Life brand, delivered with a commitment to excellence and integrity. Additional information about StarVista LIVE can be found at:
With all the recent talk about MC5, I thought some of you might enjoy this brand new interview with Wayne Kramer on the Rhino Records Website: https://www.rhino.com/article/interview-wayne-kramer-the-mc5
Lots of interesting new releases coming our way …
Real Gone Music has put together two of Badfinger’s Warner Brothers LP’s and added a bunch of bonus tracks and demos to the mix.
You can read all about this one here:
Now here’s an unexpected surprise …
The next artist to be featured in the extremely successful trend of Royal Philharmonic Orchestra redo’s is Cilla Black!!!
Cilla was one of the artists in Brian Epstein’s stable back in the early days of The British Invasion. She only had a couple of minor hits here in The States, but was extremely popular in the UK, where she even hosted her own television series.
The LP features three tracks written by Lennon and McCartney … but her biggest US hit, “You’re My World,” is presented here as a duet with Cliff Richard.
You can find more information … along with a complete track list … here: https://theseconddisc.com/2018/09/its-for-you-cilla-black-gets-orchestral-treatment-from-royal-liverpool-philharmonic-orchestra/
(I don’t know that this one will hold quite the same appeal as previous releases featuring Elvis, The Beach Boys, Roy Orbison and Aretha Franklin did! I'm thinking they need to stick with across-the-boards, big-name artists to keep this new concept alive!) kk
Look for a VERY complete Chic compilation coming from Atlantic Records. A 5-CD Box features the band’s first three albums, plus a Sister Sledge album produced by Niles Rodgers and Bernard Edwards … and a bonus disc featuring 7” single mixes and 12” disco mixes of many of the band’s best-known hits. (The set it worth it for those alone in my opinion!!!)
And finally, Columbia Records is releasing a 2-CD compilation of tracks and outtakes by Big Brother and the Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin) called “Sex, Dope And Cheap Thrills.”
You can read all about that one here:
Spread The Word:
Hi there, Kent,
Well, what can I say?
I just discovered this forgotten hits website. I know, it's a little late. Anyway, as a brief introduction, my name is Sam Ward. I am originally from the Boston area, but since 1987, I have been living up here in the Toronto area of Ontario Canada. I was actually supposed to be born on July 6, 1954, but, unfortunately, I arrived three months premature, so I ended up being totally blind because I was placed in an incubator and was given too much oxygen, which burned both my retinas and my optic nerves. Amazingly though, the date I was born was April 12, 1954,
the very same day that Bill Haley and his Comets recorded (We're
Gonna) Rock Around The Clock at Decca Studios in New York
City. Having been born on that date ALMOST makes being blind worth
it, and I tell people that I truly am a rock and roll baby.
Needless to say, your Forgotten Hits website has been absolutely
fascinating to browse through, and I have been reading a lot of the
major articles that appear on your website. I have a whole bunch of
comments to make and questions to ask, but I’ll delve questions in what I’m sure will be a series of future emails.
I, too, listened at night to both WLS and WCFL, and I enjoyed those stations very much. Thankfully neither of them were Drake formatted stations like WRKO in Boston was. I just hated that format and feel that that was the beginning of radio's down fall.
Anyway, I really enjoyed looking at your top 200 B sides list, the yearly summer charts count downs, your one hit wonders list, your Stories Behind the Songs features, your in depth look at the Ed Sullivan show and a whole lot more.
I’ve still got a lot of catching up to do … but look forward to corresponding with you soon.
With warmest regards,
Sam Ward
Mississauga Ontario Canada
Welcome aboard, Sam ... I think you're gonna like it here. (And you're right ... you've got a WHOLE lotta catching up to do!!!)
But take your time ... and enjoy the journey. Feel free to comment whenever and wherever you see fit. (kk)