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The Friday Flash


>>>This concert just about matched the first few weeks of any of our cumulative Chicago bands’ reaching the airwaves = initial airplay for us was during Thanksgiving week, 1965.  Proud to say that we, NC6, opened the door … Shadows came next with Gloria as I recall but we beat ‘em to the charts by eight weeks and, if not for Lou Christie (…sigh), might have topped WLS two days short of 51 years to the date my first grandchild was born!   (Ray Graffia, Jr. / The New Colony Six)
The New Colony 6 started out here pretty good, too! 

We've actually seen charts where "I Confess" made it to #1 in New York ... not bad for a local Chicago band hitting the charts for the very first time and pressing their records at their very own family-owned record company!  (kk)

If Rock And Roll Never Forgets ever makes any money, I'm calling Chuck.

I’m telling you Chuck Buell could make a hell of a living designing rock-and-roll-related room concepts as a side job.  There are enough of us crazy fans out there who would LOVE to walk into an executive washroom or vinyl kitchen floor and see these designs!  (kk)

>>>I am so very proud to announce that our agency, PARADISE ARTISTS, is presenting a brand new, hit filled package for national and international audiences … AMERICAN POP:  STARRING The GRASSROOTS (California pop rock); THE BOX TOPS  (Rick Levy)
The Buckinghams are excited about our American Pop shows addition of The Box Tops. It’s a really great package presenting a lot of hits! Different from Happy Together because each band stays intact, which keeps it much more diversified. American Pop has been a success for several years as we packaged with the Grass Roots, but this will be a welcome addition having the Box Tops joining us and allowing us to offer many more great hits! Kent, thank you for sharing with all our great fans, 
The Buckinghams

Please, don't let this shock you. 
Over the years, I think you and the FH family has come to recognize that my views on the songs we love are, shall we say, a bit abstract.
So, with that in mind, I have a tune I want to riff about for the benefit of the audience.
Think about the long gone Traveling Wilburys. Now, isolate on Roy Orbison and his lead vocal on "Not Alone Anymore."
It is far and away the best track in the Wilburys' library and also the most beautiful, poetically brilliant song of the 1980's. On any given moment it does what rock 'n roll should make you do … smile a wide smile or shed as modest tear.
Really, how many artists from the 20th century had pipes that could match Roy Oribson?  I'll hang up and wait for the answer.
Chet Coppock
Man, I wish The Traveling Wilburys could have toured … can you even imagine seeing that show … especially if each artist threw in a few of their own hits?!?!?  Definitely would have been something to see.
Roy Orbison’s voice has to be one of the most distinctive in rock and roll history … and the fact that it was still that strong in the late ‘80’s is amazing enough in itself!
It’s funny because so much has been said over the years about the original concept of The Beatles becoming “another band” to do the Sgt. Pepper album … yet if you really think about it, that “illusion” lasted for all of three songs (and even that’s only if you include the Sgt. Pepper Reprise as a track.)  After that the whole concept disappears yet many still regard “Sgt. Pepper” as the first real concept album.  (Even Ringo has since said “People only thought it was a concept album because WE told them it was.”)
Yet Beatle George (along with cohorts Roy Orbison, Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty) actually DID that … they BECAME a whole other band with names like Lefty, Nelson, Lucky, Otis and Charlie T. Junior Wilbury!!!  And created a whole new sound in the process, even though each artist’s individual roots still came through.  (And I bet they had a ball doing it!!!  One would think that the least-likely guy to want to take part would be Bob Dylan … yet it was Bob who rounded everybody up again by asking “Hey, when are we going to make our second album?”  Too cool!)  kk

>>>I got a message from a fellow in the UK who is looking for information about a couple of groups that I am not familiar with and I thought you or one of your subscribers might be able to help him.  (Eddie Burke)
>>>I am doing some research about some old 45rpm recorded at Hartford, Connecticut.  “The YOUNG  MEN” -- Does TYRAND GOLD sounds familiar to you?  Recorded in 1966 - Song call: More / By The Way?  I am trying to get in touch with those guy about their music.
And also looking for another band call Louzzett and the Fabulous Swans.  Thanks in advance.  (Yann)
For Yann via Eddie Burke:
The Youngmen - one word - had two 45s released.  I own a copy of "By The Way" b/w "All My Trials." 
It was issued in late 1966 on their custom label, Tyrant Gold #TY6661/2.   "By The Way" was released again on Tyrant Gold, with a remake of "More," a vocal version of the tune made famous in an instrumental rendition by Kai Winding in 1963.
The songs were recorded in Wallingford, Connecticut, at Syncron Studios, later renamed Trod Nossell Recording Studio.  The company is still in business today; many famous rock acts and music starts have recorded there over the past decades.
The Youngmen were a folk group.  "By The Way" has a sublime, haunting feel with bongos accompanying the muted acoustic guitar. I did try to locate them many years ago, but their original song was not registered for copyright. "All My Trials" is a longtime folk / religious standard in the public domain … that means it is not subject to copyright restriction and performance laws.
I thought they may have been Yalies (Yale University students) in New Haven or Wesleyan University students from Middletown, Connecticut - that is my best guess to this point in time but certainly not verified. Bob King is the listed songwriter for "By The Way".

Mike Markesich

Hi Kent,
I read your response to my Burton Cummings review.  Yes, I certainly get that performing alone in front of so many attentive people for an hour is quite demanding – rather different from those us relegated to playing  in noisy pubs for several people.  So sure, mention the butterflies once, but let’s move on, is all I ask. 
A little humoUrous to Canadians to typify “Dream of a Child” as obscure, since the LP went triple platinum up there, but yes, did next to nothing down here.  Still, the fact that the great reception for this obscure, but stunningly delivered tune does support the idea that he does NOT need to rely on the radio hits, which may be less than ideally suited for the solo show.  “Timeless Love” and “Rhapsody” would certainly go over well. Covering Ray Charles’ “That’s Enough” once again would be great.
I was wondering whether you had any information about the opening act, The Chicago Hitman.  At least a couple of those guys really seemed like they might’ve had some major league experience at some point … or AAA minors, at least.  A couple other opening acts I’d seen at Arcada seemed less polished.
Always appreciate your impressively thorough work.

I've probably seen them at some point and time … obviously there's another group (called simply The Hit Men) who we have reviewed in the past … these guys were studio musicians and/or band members who toured with everybody from Tommy James to The Four Seasons to Carly Simon … but they wouldn't be opening for Burton Cummings.  I know there's also a band like this with a similar name that features four of the Super Bowl Chicago Bears … we saw them open for Eddie Money a few years ago … but I doubt that that was this group either.  Anybody else at the show Friday Night that can shed some light on this?  Or maybe Ron Onesti?  Let us know. (kk)

Did I ever tell you this story? 
All this talk about the Tokens reminded me of this story. 
I use to listen to this Oldies radio show, hosted by Mickey B. 
I'll give you an idea of how popular this show was. 
All the years I've been listening to WCBS-FM, I never once got through with one of my phone calls. Every time I called Mickey B --- I got to talk to Mickey B.
Contest question:  What was the Tokens’ first hit ?
Everybody who called answered " The Lion Sleeps Tonight"… except me.  I had the correct answer with "Tonight I Fell In Love."  Mickey even asked me to sing it on the radio.
I won a tape of Doo - Wop greetings for an answering machine.  Now I have to go out and buy an answering machine.
Why couldn't I say "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" like the rest of the callers?
TRIVIA:  Mickey B was a member of a group called Tico And The Triumphs.  In 1961, they had a song that was on the charts for one week … "Motorcycle." Paul Simon was a member of this group.
After recording "Hey! Schoolgirl" (as Tom and Jerry - 1957) Paul went solo for a while.
Frank B. 
Wanna hear something wild? 
Tico and the Triumphs spent exactly one week on the chart with “Motorcycle,” as you said, in both Billboard (#99) and Music Vendor (#97) magazine … but in Cash Box Magazine, this song “bubbled under for an incredible THIRTEEN WEEKS before finally peaking at #103!!!
Paul Simon made a series of tries prior to finally hitting pay dirt with Art Garfunkel.  The Tom and Jerry record predates his involvement with Tico and the Triumphs by about five years.  In addition, he also charted as Jerry Landis in 1963 with “The Lone Ranger” (#92) and also released records under the names Paul Kane, True Taylor and Harrison Gregory. (kk)

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