Man, you really do a great job with your postings. Keep them coming.
I enjoy the heck out of them.
-- Dennis Gilbert
Thanks, Dennis, I appreciate that! (kk)
I just discovered your site while I was searching for information about The Ides / Shames Union. I saw / heard them at Shulas in Niles Mi.
Terry Turner
Incredible to think that some 50 years later, both groups are still performing around the area … and sound every bit as good as ever. If you get the chance to see one of their Cornerstones Of Rock shows, GO!!! You'll be glad you did. (They next hit The Arcada Theatre in St. Charles, IL, on April 29th.) kk
kk ….
Here are some April 2, 1957 pictures of Elvis.
Frank B
Here are some April 2, 1957 pictures of Elvis.
Frank B
There are some INCREDIBLE shots here …. a still so young and innocent Elvis Presley, his career having just taken off and he was still enjoying it all. (It's the candid backstage shots that do it for me.) These are great! As you click thru them it's almost like a movie unfolding before your very eyes. Thanks, Frank. (kk)
Speaking of Elvis, check out this incredible performance of a live, tv event … a duet of Elvis and Helene Fischer performing "Just Pretend"… it's chilling! (Obviously this has Priscilla's endorsement … so I'll make it two thumbs up!) kk
Sad to report the passing of Nokie Edwards of The Ventures.
Nokie was first brought into The Ventures as a bass player, arriving just in time to play on the band’s first hit, “Walk, Don’t Run” in 1960. Edwards said he was really more of a lead guitar player, which is the role he assumed thru 1968, at which point he left to pursue a solo career. (He would rejoin The Ventures a couple more times over the years, first from 1973 to 1984 and then again in the early 2000’s.) In addition to a fair amount of session work, he also dabbled in acting, perhaps most famously starring as Wild Bill Hickok’s mysterious friend in the HBO series “Deadwood.” The Ventures were finally inducted into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2008. (kk)
The Larry Chance Fan Club is reporting that Nokie Edwards of The Ventures died on March 12, 2018.
"Book ‘Em, Dan-O."
I watch the old "Hawaii Five-O" every night on ME-TV.
Monday I stayed up till 2 AM to watch "The Fugitive," a QM Production.
That's the only time it’s on.
Apparently Nokie was already gone by the time The Ventures recorded their 1969 hit “Hawaii Five-O.” Surprisingly, it was revealed that a lot of The Ventures’ recordings were actually done by members of The Wrecking Crew because the REAL Ventures were out on the road so much! Still a great track, however … and a television theme song classic!
(Yeah, it’d be nice if they’d schedule “The Fugitive” at a more viewer-friendly time!!!) kk
Taking a moment out wishes for a speedy recovery to one of our own ….
We just learned that long-time Forgotten Hits Reader and Contributor Ronnie Allen suffered a stroke last month. (We recently featured Ronnie’s new online musical “Snippets” game, which quickly addicted several of our readers!)
It sounds like it may be a long road ahead but I’m sure all of us wish Ronnie the very best. (I’ve seen some amazing things over the past several years in this area so our thoughts and prayers are with you.) kk
kk …
Did you write about Richard Wess in your Bobby Darin series? I don't remember.
I touched on it but nowhere near as in depth as this article goes. (In my piece, I give Wess full credit for the incredible arrangements contained in Bobby's "That's All" album.) This piece by Shane Brown is very well done. (Of course if you're ever unsure of what is or isn't covered, you can always check our Bobby Darin series online … it is now permanently posted at kk
New Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Bon Jovi just set a brand new record on The Billboard Album Chart … but it’s probably not the kind anyone would strive for.
Their latest album, “This House Is Not For Sale,” returned to the #1 spot a couple of weeks ago, thanks to a special ticket promotion tied to the band’s new tour … and then fell to #168 the following week … the biggest single week drop in chart history! (On the one hand I could say I guess that everybody who wanted a copy, already bought theirs … but the fact is this album was first released in 2016 and topped the chart then, too.)
A special voucher was issued allowing fans purchasing concert tickets to pick up a copy of the LP … and around 120,000 fans did so … earning enough sales to make it the biggest selling album of the week.
But then the following week only 5000 more copies were sold (a drop-off of about 96%!), causing the huge plummet to #168. (kk)